趣味汉语轻松学常用汉字习字帖作者:埃莉诺.格林伍德 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787563736959 定价:35.0 出版时间:2018-09-01 出版社:旅游教育 |
趣味汉语轻松学常用汉字习字帖 本书特色
This is a workbook, and learning Chinese is the mission. Here are five tips to help.
1 Take the chance to practise when you can.
2 Go slow. Half an hour a day is better than two straight hours.
3 Test yourself. Make flashcards and doodle characters in spare moments.
4 Go back on yourself; repeat, repeat and check it's all gone in.
5 Practice makes perfect, so using this workbook is a great start.
Top ten most common Chinese characters
These are all in the book...
外语 对外汉语
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