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  2020-06-11 00:00:00  

李书福的偏执智慧:西班牙文 本书特色

该书由张明转编著。每个著名企业家都有其独步天下的“秘笈”,这也是其*耀眼的闪光点。李书福以其敢想敢做的冒险精神立足汽车领域。李书福从120元创业起家,*终创办 了吉利集团,缔造了一个草根创业的神话。2009年成功收购沃尔沃,让李书福和他的吉利成为举世瞩目的焦点。作者深入分析了李书福多年来的创业经历和经营之道,从案例入手,解析李书福在企业战略和经营中的独到智慧,提炼出他特有的企业家精神。Every well-known entrepreneur has his/her own secret of success. Li Shufu’s secret is his spirit of adventure as a bold thinker and doer, which has gained him a secure foothold in the field of auto production. From his start in business with 120 yuan, his first bucket of gold got from making refrigerators, his failure in real estate in Hainan, to his delving into auto making to found Geely Group, Li Shufu has created a myth of grassroot self made success. In 2009, Li Shufu and his Geely again became the focus of world attention with Geely’s successful purchase of Volvo.该书由张明转编著。每个著名企业家都有其独步天下的“秘笈”,这也是其*耀眼的闪光点。李书福以其敢想敢做的冒险精神立足汽车领域。李书福从120元创业起家,*终创办 了吉利集团,缔造了一个草根创业的神话。2009年成功收购沃尔沃,让李书福和他的吉利成为举世瞩目的焦点。作者深入分析了李书福多年来的创业经历和经营之道,从案例入手,解析李书福在企业战略和经营中的独到智慧,提炼出他特有的企业家精神。 Every well-known entrepreneur has his/her own secret of success. Li Shufu’s secret is his spirit of adventure as a bold thinker and doer, which has gained him a secure foothold in the field of auto production. From his start in business with 120 yuan, his first bucket of gold got from making refrigerators, his failure in real estate in Hainan, to his delving into auto making to found Geely Group, Li Shufu has created a myth of grassroot self made success. In 2009, Li Shufu and his Geely again became the focus of world attention with Geely’s successful purchase of Volvo. Cada reconocido empresario tiene su propio secreto del éxito. El secreto de Li Shufu es su espíritu de aventura y su persistencia en la innovación, lo que le ha proporcionado un lugar seguro en el campo de la producción de automóviles.Desde sus inicios a la edad de diecinueve años en un estudio de fotografía, su primera incursión en la fabricación de refrigeradores, su fracaso en el sectorinmobiliario, hasta la decisión de fabricar motocicletas y desembocar después en el sueño de producir automóviles para fundar el Grupo Geely, Li Shufu ha creado el mito de “hombre hecho a sí mismo”; fueel primer emprendedor privado en el campo de los automóviles en China.En 2009, Li y su Grupo Geely se convirtieron en el centro de atención mundial con el éxito de la compra de la centenaria compañía Volvo.

李书福的偏执智慧:西班牙文 内容简介


李书福的偏执智慧:西班牙文 作者简介


