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  2020-05-31 00:00:00  

中国出境旅游发展年度报告:英文:2016:2016 本书特色


中国出境旅游发展年度报告:英文:2016:2016 目录

Chapter 1 Overview of China Outbound Tourism Development in 2015 Section 1 Market Size and Consumption Section 2 Market Volume and Tourist Flow Section 3 Influencing Factors Chapter 2 Output Features of Tourist Source Market Section 1 Potential Tourism Capacity of Tourist Source Market Section 2 Outbound Tourism Market of Typical Cities Chapter 3 Destination Consumption Behavior Section 1 Overall Analysis Section 2 Spending Characteristics of Major Destinations Chapter 4 Satisfaction Analysis of Major Destinations Section 1 Overall Analysis Section 2 Satisfaction Degrees of Major Destinations Chapter 5 Trends and Recommendations for China Outbound Tourism Development in 2016 Section 1 Trendfor Development of Chinese Outbound Tourism in 2016 Section 2 Rcommendationsfor China Outbound Tourism Development in 2016 Featured Report 1 China Outbound Tourism Facilitation Practice in 2015:Case Study on China Union Pay Featured Report 2 Development and Prospects of China Cruise Tourism in 2015—2016 Postscript 中国出境旅游发展年度报告:英文:2016:2016
