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  2020-05-12 00:00:00  

我在紫禁城 本书特色

画家吴洋用绘画的形式向读者介绍北京故宫。绘本有约80幅绘画,通过一只蚂蚁的卡通形象、用*人称的视角带你游览故宫,给你呈现一个不一样的故宫。The painter WU Yang introduces the Beijing Imperial Palace to the readers in the form of painting. There are about 80 paintings in the picture book, using the first-person perspective to present you with a different show of the Imperial Palace through a cartoon image of an ant.

我在紫禁城 内容简介

画家吴洋用绘画的形式向读者介绍北京故宫。图书通过一只蚂蚁的卡通形象、用**人称的视角去讲述自己所见到的故事。书中有一篇介绍景点的前言, 有约80幅绘画, 每幅绘画都配有说明。

我在紫禁城 作者简介

吴洋,著名油画家,1962年生于北京。吴洋的作品有着强烈的个人风格,表现手法细腻,用写实的手法表现超现实的意境和理念,宁静、平和、绚烂。WU Yang, a famous oil painter, was born in Beijing in 1962. WU Yang's works have a strong personal style and exquisite expressions, which use realistic methods to express the surreal artistic conception that is quiet, peaceful and gorgeous.

