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解剖列车 第3版

  2020-08-06 00:00:00  

解剖列车 第3版 本书特色


解剖列车 第3版 目录

Preface to the first edition
Introduction: laying the railbed
1 Fascia and biomechanicalregulation
2 The rules ofthe game
3 The SuperficialBack Line
4 The SuperficiaIFront Line
5 The Lateral Line
6 The Spiral Line
7 The Arm Lines
8 The Functional Lines
9 The Deep Front Line
10 AnatomyTrains in training
With a contribution by James Earls
11 Structuralanalysis
Appendix 1 A note on the meridians oflatitude
A.ppendix2 Structuralintegration
Appendix 3 Myofascial meridians and Asian medicine
Anatomy Trains terms
Index 解剖列车 第3版
