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  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

现代加工技术-英文版 本书特色


现代加工技术-英文版 内容简介

(modern machining technology现代加工技术(英文版)》是从近年出版的数十本英文著作及论文中摘录、筛选后编写而成。全书共分6章。第1章介绍了以机械能为基础的加工工艺,包括磨粒射流加工、水射流加工、超声波加工及喷丸加工等工艺。第ⅱ章介绍了以电能为基础的加工工艺,包括电化学加工、电化学磨削、电化学放电磨削、电流毛细钻孔等工艺。第ⅲ章介绍了以热能为基础的加工工艺,包括电火花加工、电火花磨削、电子束、离子束及激光束加工、热能加工、等离子体弧加工等工艺。第ⅳ章介绍了以化学能为基础的加工工艺,包括化学加工、光化学加工等工艺。第v章介绍了复合交叉的加工工艺,包括脉冲式电化学和激光辅助电化学加工、wjm/usm/edm/map等交叉工艺、激光/等离子体辅助加工、激光冲击加工和水下激光加工等工艺。第ⅵ章介绍了基于特种加工工艺的新技术,包括微制造、物理气相沉积、化学气相沉积和快速原型制造等加工工艺。

现代加工技术-英文版 目录

chapter i machining processes with mechanical methods
 1.1 abrasive jet machining (ajm)
 1.2 abrasive flow machining (afm)
 1.3 water jet machining (wjm)
 1.4 abrasive water jet machining (awjm)
 1.5 ultrasonic machining (usm)
 1.6 burnishing
chapter h machining processes with electrical methods
 2.1 electrochemical machining (ecm)
 2.2 electrochemical grinding (ecg)
 2.3 electrochemical discharge grinding (ecdg)
 2.4 electrostream (es) and capillary drilling (cd)
 2.5 shaped tube electrolytic machining (stem)
chapter hi machining processes with thermal methods
 3.1 electric discharge machining (edm)
 3.2 electrical discharge grinding (edg)
 3.3 electron beam machining (ebm)
 3.4 ion beam machining (ibm)
 3.5 laser beam machining (lbm)
 3.6 thermal energy method (tem)
 3.7 plasma arc machining (pam)
chapter iv machining processes with chemical methods
 4.1 chemical milling (cm)
 4.2 photochemical machining (pcm)
chapter v cross machining processes innovations
 5.1 introduction of cross process innovations
 5.2 general issues in crossprocess study
 5.3 pulsed ecm and laser assisted ecm
 5.4 cross abrasive processes--wjm / usm /ecm / edm / map
 5.5 laser/plasma assisted machining
 5.6 laser shock processing and underwater laser machining
chapter vi new technology based on nontraditional machining processes
 6.1 microfabrication
 6.2 physical vapor deposition (pvd)
 6.3 chemical vapor deposition (cvd)
 6.4 rapid manufacturing--rapid prototyping (rp)
practice problems

现代加工技术-英文版 节选


