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  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

食品化学实验双语教程 本书特色


食品化学实验双语教程 内容简介


食品化学实验双语教程 目录

第1章 水分活度
第2章 乳糖
第3章 糖的性质
第4章 淀粉胶
第5章 食品胶体
第6章 油脂的酸败
第7章 蛋白质的功能性质
第8章 面筋的制备
第9章 食品中赖氨酸的测定
第10章 豆奶蛋白中-sh和-s-s-基团的测定
第11章 非酶褐变
第12章 酶促褐变:多酚氧化酶的动力学模型
第13章 烫漂作用

食品化学实验双语教程 节选


食品化学实验双语教程 相关资料

插图:Rancidity is a term loosely applied to the occurrence of off- flavor and odor in oils/fats. This results from an oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. However, hydrolysis, if it occurs, may give rise to off flavors and odors especially if the fat contains low molecular weight fatty acids ( butyric, caproic and caprylic).Basically, oxidative rancidity involves a free radical mechanism where oxygen is added to the fatty acid chain of a triglyceride, leading to the formation of peroxides. The autooxidation can be initiated and catalyzed by heat, light, divalent metal ions and enzymes such as lipoxygenase. The peroxides formed are in themselves not the contributors to the rancid off- flavors and off- odors characteristic of oxidized fats, but they are unstable once formed and later break down to form a myriad of lower molecular components ( e. g. aldehydes, ketones and hydroxyl groups) which are volatile and are mainly responsible for the off- flavor and odor.In hydrolytic rancidity, the triglyceride reacts with water and for each molecule of water in- volved one molecule of fatty acid is released. When a molecule of fat reacts with three molecules of water, glycerol and three fatty acids are formed. This reaction is catalysed by heat and enzymes known as lipases.

