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  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

材料科学和材料工程 内容简介

newly appointed or newly promoted professors at imperial college are required to give an inaugural lecture on a subject of their choosing. the professors inevitably talk about areas of their subject on which they are expert, but the lectures are presented in such a way that they appeal to a wide ranging audience, from those who have little knowledge of the subject to those who are comparatively expert in the field. these written versions of six such lectures are aimed at readers who have some knowledge of, and interest in, materials science and engineering. they should also be of interest to those who are well versed in the subject. ...

材料科学和材料工程 目录

preface .
professor b.j. briscoe
slippery customers; sticky problems
1. interface engineering- the scope
1.1. adhesion
1.2. friction
1.3. lubrication
1.4. damage
1.5. wear
2. historical contexts
3. principles of interpretation
3.1. the adhesion model of friction
3.2. the deformation models
3.3. other processes
4. tribological interfaces; some examples
5. interfaces in assemblies
6. solid processing and production engineering; frictional walls
7. final reflection
8. challenges for the future
9. personal remarks
professor a.j. kinloch
sticking up for adhesives
1. introduction
2. interracial contact and intrinsic adhesion
2.1. introduction
2.2. mechanisms of intrinsic adhesion
2.3. the bonding of fibre-composite materials
2.4. the use of organometallic primers
3. hardening the adhesive
3.1. introduction
3.2. chemical aspects
3.3. multiphase adhesives
4. predicting the strength and service life of adhesive joints
4.1. introduction
4.2. the fatigue behaviour of adhesive joints
5. conclusions
professor d.b. holt
magical materials for motionless machines
1. introduction
1.1. half the story of materials
1.2. the other half of the materials story
2. grain boundary electroluminescence in gap
3. scanning electron microscope electron beam induced current (ebic) and cathodoluminescence (cl)
3.1. monte carlo electron trajectory simulations
3.2. applications of scanning electron microscopy to optoelectronic devices
4. scanning electron microscope characterisation of quantum confined structures
5. magical materials for motionless machines
professor alan atkinson
interfaces in materials-if you can't beat them,join them
professor pees d.rawlings
brittleness-a tough probiem
professor larry l.hench
the story of bioglass: from concept to clinic
index 材料科学和材料工程
