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  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

压电结构与器件分析-(英文版) 本书特色


压电结构与器件分析-(英文版) 目录

chapter 1   jing jiang, hongllao yue, zongquan deng,and hornsen tzou non-uniform actuations of plates and shells withpiezoelectricand photostrictive skew-quad actuator designs
 1.1 introduction
 1.2 new sq actuator system
 1.2.1 the distribution profile ofinduced non-uniform forcesandmoments
 1.2.2 design of an sq actuator system
 1.3 plate control with a piezoelectric sq actuator system
 1.3.1 non-uniform forces and moments induced by the sqactuatorsystem
 1.3.2 modal control
 1.3.3 case studies: control of plates
 1.3.4 closed-loop actuation with collocated sensors andactuators
 1.3.5 summary of non-uniform piezoelectric actuations ofplates
 1.4 cylindrical shell control with photostrictive sq actuatorsystems
 1.4.1 uniform and non-uniform photostrictive actuation
 1.4.2 photostrictive sq actuator
 1.4.3 modal control
 1.4.4 case studies: photostrictive actuation of shells
 1.4.5 closed-loop actuation with paired sq actuator systems
 1.4.6 summary of non-uniform photostrictive actuations ofshells
 1.5 summary
chapter 2  chunli zhang and weiqiu chen structural theories ofmultiferroic plates and shells
 2.1 introduction
 2.2 basic formulations
 2.3 laminated multiferroic shell equationsinorthogonalcurvilinearcoordinates
chapter 3 yuan tai hu, huan xue, and hongping hupiezoelectricpower/energy harvesters
chapter 4 ji wang, rongxing wu, jinbo l/n, qiaoqiao pan, and jiankedua two-dimensional analysis of surface acoustic wavesin fuutepiezoelectric plates
chapter 5 jiangong yuwave characteristics in the functionallygraded piezoelectric waveguides: legendre polynomial approach
chapter 6 hu ming wang radial vibration analysis of layeredpiezoelectric cylindricaland spherical structures as sensors andactuators
chapter 7 zheng-llua qian and feng jinone type of transversesurface waves in piezoelectric layeredsolids for electro-acousticdevices
chapter 8 haifeng zhangtheoreticallnvestigation of force-frequencyand electroelastic eftects of thickness mode langasiteresonators
chapter 9 weiqiu chen wave propagation in a piezoelectric platewith surface effect

