石油工程专业英语 本书特色
《石油工程专业英语》按照勘探、开发和炼制进行组织,包括12章:地质学基础、石油地质学、油层物理、渗流力学、钻井、物探、测井、油藏工程、采油工程、油田化学、炼化、HSE等内容。教材在参考国外的经典教材的基础上,融入新技术和相关研究成果,力求资讯新颖,同时按照新大纲的要求,书中还设计了填空、连线、简答、计算和答案解析等内容。 《石油工程专业英语》可作为石油工程专业外语教学用书,地质资源、钻井、采油、炼制、储运方向的参考用书,同时也可作为科技人员的外文工具书。
石油工程专业英语 目录
Chapter 1Fundamental Geology Section 1?1Early Earth 1?1?1Introduction 1?1?2The Origin of the Earth 1?1?3The Early Atmosphere 1?1?4The Early Rocks 1?1?5The Early Life Section 1?2Rocks and Minerals 1?2?1Introduction 1?2?2The Materials of the Earth 1?2?3Rocks are Made of Minerals 1?2?4Granitic Rocks Section 1?3Facies Models 1?3?1General Principles 1?3?2Paleocurrents 1?3?3Paleohydraulics 1?3?4Environments Chapter 2Petroleum Geology Section 2?1The Fluid of Reservoir 2?1?1Introduction 2?1?2Natural Gas 2?1?3Oil 2?1?4Oil?field Water 2?1?5Distribution of Gas,Oil,and Water in the Reservoir Section 2?2Migration and Accumulation of Oil and Gas 2?2?1Introduction 2?2?2Migration of Oil and Gas 2?2?3Primary Migration 2?2?4Secondary Migration and Accumulation 2?2?5The Sites of Oil and Gas Accumulating Section 2?3The Trap 2?3?1Introduction 2?3?2Traps 2?3?3Facies Change Traps 2?3?4Unconformity and Hydrodynamic Traps Chapter 3Seismic Exploration Section 3?1Seismic Wave Dynamics 3?1?1Introduction 3?1?2Seismic wave characteristics 3?1?3Seismic wave propagation laws 3?1?4Seismic wave types Section 3?2Seismic Velocities 3?2?1Introduction 3?2?2Factors affecting velocity 3?2?3Several velocities concepts Section 3?3Seismic Works 3?3?1Introduction 3?3?2Seismic Data Acquisition 3?3?3Seismic Data Processing 3?3?4Seismic Data Interpretation Chapter 4Petrophysics Section 4?1Physical Properties of Reservoir Rocks 4?1?1Introduction 4?1?2Mineral Constitution of Sandstone Rock 4?1?3Pore Structure and Porosity of Reservoir Rock 4?1?4Permeability of Reservoir Rock Section 4?2Physical Properties of Reservoir Fluids 4?2?1Introduction 4?2?2High Pressure Physical Property of Natural Gas 4?2?3High Pressure Physical Property of Crude Oil 4?2?4Aqueous Fluids
Section 4?3Percolation Mechanism of Multiphase Fluid 4?3?1Introduction 4?3?2Capillary Pressure 4?3?3Wettability 4?3?4Hysteresis Chapter 5Fluid Mechanics Section 5?1Fluid Properties and Pascal's Law 5?1?1Fluid Properties 5?1?2Pascal's Law Section 5?2Flow Properties of Fluids 5?2?1The fluid state 5?2?2The continuum model of fluids 5?2?3Variables of state Section 5?3Unidirectional and One?Dimensional Flow 5?3?1Introduction 5?3?2Nonlinear equations 5?3?3Approximate solution 5?3?4Exact solutions of the nonlinear Navier?Stokes equations Section 5?4Bubble Dynamics 5?4?1Introduction 5?4?2Fundamental models for cavitation 5?4?3Rayleigh?Plesset equation Chapter 6Drilling Section 6?1Rotary Drilling 6?1?1Introduction 6?1?2Drilling Team 6?1?3Drilling Rigs Section 6?2Rotary Drilling Bits 6?2?1Introduction 6?2?2Drag Bits 6?2?3Rolling Cutter Bits Section 6?3Casing 6?3?1Introduction 6?3?2Manufacture of Casing 6?3?3Standardization of Casing Chapter 7Well Logging Section 7?1Electrical Well Logs 7?1?1Introduction 7?1?2Spontaneous potential (SP) Logging 7?1?3Conventional Resistivity Logs 7?1?4The laterologs(LL) 7?1?5The Microlog (ML) Section 7?2The Sonic Logs 7?2?1Introduction 7?2?2Acoustic waves 7?2?3Measurement of the Speed of Sound (Sonic Log) 7?2?4Measurement of Sonic Attenuation and Amplitude Section 7?3Radioactivity Logging 7?3?1Introduction 7?3?2Gamma ray log 7?3?3The Density log Chapter 8Petroleum Production Engineering Section 8?1Flow Principle 8?1?1Introduction 8?1?2The Inflow Performance of The Oil Well 8?1?3The Single?phase Flow Performance 8?1?4The Two?phase Inflow Performance Section 8?2Oil Production Methods 8?2?1Introduction 8?2?2Natural Flow 8?2?3Gas Lift 8?2?4Rod Pump 8?2?5Rodless Lift 8?2?6Gas pump Section 8?3Stimulation 8?3?1Introduction 8?3?2Acidizing 8?3?3Hydraulic Fracturing Chapter 9Oilfield Chemistry Section 9?1Drilling Fluid Chemistry 9?1?1Introduction 9?1?2Function and Properties 9?1?3Drilling Fluid System 9?1?4Drilling Fluid Additives Section 9?2Cement Slurry Chemistry 9?2?1Introduction 9?2?2Function and Properties 9?2?3Cement Slurry System 9?2?4Cement Slurry Additives Section 9?3Oil Displacement Mode 9?3?1Introduction 9?3?2Oil Displacement Mode System Section 9?4Oil and Water Well Chemistry 9?4?1Introduction 9?4?2Oil and Water Well Chemistry System Chapter 10Refinery Chemical Section 10?1Crude Oil 10?1?1Introduction 10?1?2Crude Oil Components 10?1?3From Crude Oil Section 10?2The Refining Process 10?2?1Introduction 10?2?2Fractional Distillation 10?2?3Chemical Processing Section 10?3Treating and Blending the Fractions Answers References