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  2020-08-02 00:00:00  

2012年-石油管工程重点实验室科研成果汇编 本书特色


2012年-石油管工程重点实验室科研成果汇编 内容简介


2012年-石油管工程重点实验室科研成果汇编 目录

**篇 论 文 篇 输送管与安全性评价 effect of cold bending process and strain—age on properties of x80 linepipe 油气管道输送系统国际标准化 application of non—metallic composite pipes in oilfields in china experimental research on fracture toughness of high grade line pipe analysis of bending test of 40in x70 line pipe the effect of temper temperature on property and microstructure of x80 induction bends comparison of btc, rbtc and hlp models in the calculation of the dynamic ductile fracture propagation velocities based on the x80 full—scale burst test 高钢级管线钢中大型夹杂物特性研究 strain—hardening capacity and microstructure analysis of x70 high strain line pipe investigation on buckling of high strain line pipe x100级管线钢塑性变形行为研究 low circle fatigue behavior of x80 high—strain line pipe effect of prestrain and aging on mechanical properties of x100 pipeline steels x100管线钢sh—cct曲线测定及分析 基于不同评价准则的含腐蚀缺陷管道概率评价方法研究 x60/l415直缝埋弧焊管内壁纵裂失效浅析 fire incident hazard analysis on wellhead rupture of underground salt cavern gas storage 基于管道屈服强度的x80钢管100%smys静水压试验可行性研究 φ660mm×7.1mm屈曲钢管变形原因分析 沙漠地区输油管道内腐蚀开挖检测与评价 the method for life evaluation of internal coating of in—service pipeline based on fuzzy theory effect of graphite target current on the microstructure and tribological performance of magnetron sputtering crtiaicn coating 基于ni pxi—e平台的石油管复合挤毁试验机控制与数据采集系统搭建 analysis of fatigue reliability life of x80 pipeline l360qb/316l复合管埋弧焊环焊缝接头组织与性能研究 a simple analytical method for the determination of manganese in welded joint and pipe body of xloo grade sawh&sawl pipe for gas pipeline transportation systems sem in—situ observation on influence of characteristic inclusion parameters on crack initiation and propagation in x80 pipeline steel under tensile load failure analysis of erw seam weld pipeline in internal pressure structures and properties of x80 pipeline girth welds for different welding procedures 大壁厚高钢级管线钢落锤撕裂试验断口分析 welding of 2205 duplex stainless steel pipes 服役中管道焊接热影响区的临界硬度 x120管线钢管爆破试验与有限元分析 x80焊管断裂韧性的评价:热影响区的力学性能实验分析 验证试验法对x80钢级大口径三通设计的研究 rp0.2代替rt0.5进行管线钢屈服强度测量的可行性研究 3pe涂敷速度与环氧粉末胶化时间和固化时间的关系 采用切环弹复量评价螺旋缝埋弧焊管残余应力的合理性分析 x70螺旋缝焊管焊缝横向裂纹分析 埋弧焊接钢管焊缝边缘母材夹杂物的分析与判别 hfw焊缝结构参数对其冲击韧性的影响 microstructure and mechanical properties of al2o3/nial in—situ composites by hot—press— aided reaction synthesis 离心浇铸挤压复合管性能分析 cr12mov膨胀锥在管材膨胀试验中的应用 油井管与管柱 on improving the accuracy of prediction of the down—hole drag&torque in extended reach drilling (erd) effects of thermal exposure on the mechanical properties and microstructure stability of an al—cu—mg—ag alloy a repeated impact method and instrument to evaluate the impact fatigue property of drill pipe 酸性油气田开发用钻杆关键技术指标研究 直缝电阻焊套管检验中的几个问题 套管失效分析及其失效控制技术 study on the flow stress of the high—mn austenitic steel during hot deformation 外压作用对特殊螺纹接头内压密封性影响分析 n80外加厚油管断裂失效分析 fracture failure analysis of φ127mm g105 drill pipe 非api油管密封面损伤原因分析 simulation on stress distribution of drill pipe's surface initial crack analysis of tubing collapse accident during the operation of blending light dropping viscosity two typical cases analysis of casing connection pullout 回火温度对抗硫钻杆钢析出相形貌及力学性能的影响 抗硫套管的成分与性能分析 油管螺纹基础参数与黏扣相关性分析 explanation of doubtful points of api round thread casing and coupling thread standoff φ139.7mm×7.72mm j55 lc套管脱落失效分析 含缺陷套管强度分析 the field inspection and research of related problems about a kind of non—api thread connections hy级抽油杆质量分析 p110石油套管外表面缺陷分析 xgc1特殊螺纹接头螺纹刀具的研究 钻杆失效预防措施探讨 气井用套管螺纹接头失效分析 n800石油套管热轧缺陷分析 镍基合金油管加工及质量控制 failure analysis for burst of the high temperature steam pipe experimental and numerical study of drill pipe erosion wear in gas drilling mechanism and prediction analysis of sustained casing pressure in "a" annulus of co2 injection well numerical simulation of lined steel pipe hydro—forming process casing and tubing design for sour oil and gas fields 腐蚀与防护 高温高压海水中油气田用缓蚀剂的筛选与评价 investigation on the influence of precipitated phase on corrosion resistance of the ni—based alloys 集输管道内腐蚀评价方法基本原理与方法 corrosion reason analysis of ground gathering pipelines in high flow—rate gas condensate field the corrosion behavior of electroless ni—p coating in cl— /h2s environment influence of stray alternating current on corrosion behavior of pipeline steel in near—neutral ph carbonate/bicarbonate solution failure analysis of fractured 31/2in plloss tubing 一种咪唑啉缓蚀剂对油田p110钢co2腐蚀的缓蚀行为研究 corrosion resistance of e6—glass fibre in simulated oilfield environments 矿浆输送钢管耐冲蚀磨损性能研究综述 稠油埋地单井管线新型防腐保温结构 高密度聚乙烯外护保温管的开裂原因 储罐内底板牺牲阳极阴极保护电流分布的有限元模拟 复合阻垢剂pasp—atmp的协同效应及影响因素研究 cl—浓度对316l不锈钢点蚀行为的影响 co2凝析气田碳钢管道穿孔失效分析 co2气田用x65管线钢焊缝的电化学腐蚀行为研究 其 他 火花源原子发射光谱法测定高镍耐蚀合金中13种元素 api spec 5ct*新进展及主要技术内容变化 applied research of the flexible epoxy resin curing agent …… 第二篇 成 果 篇 2012年-石油管工程重点实验室科研成果汇编
