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  2020-07-24 00:00:00  

中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告 本书特色


中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告 内容简介


中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告 目录

第1章 中国生物多样性的现状、变化及面临的威胁
 1.1 中国生物多样性的现状
 1.2 中国生物多样性的变化
 1.3 造成生物多样性丧失的原因分析
第2章 国家生物多样性战略和行动计划现状
 2.1 生物多样性相关战略与行动计划概述
 2.2 2010年目标纳入国家生物多样性战略与行动计划的情况
 2.3 实施国家生物多样性战略与行动计划所开展的主要活动
 2.4 中国生物多样性保护取得的成就
 2.5 资金
 2.6 经验
 2.7 教训
第3章 行业发展战略和规划考虑生物多样性保护的情况
 3.1 农业部门
 3.2 林业部门
 3.3 城乡建设部门
 3.4 海洋部门
 3.5 水利部门
 3.6 教育部门
 3.7 科技部门
 3.8 扶贫开发
 3.9 其他政府职能部门
 3.10 《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》的履行
 3.11 《联合国防治荒漠化公约》的履行
 3.12 《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》的履行
 3.13 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的履行
 3.14 相关行业采纳和应用生态系统方式的情况
 3.15 在环境影响评价中考虑生物多样性保护的情况
第4章 2010年目标和公约战略计划的实施进展
 4.1 2010年目标评估指标
 4.2 2010年目标评估指标的数据分析
 4.3 2010年目标实施进展
 4.4 战略计划实施进展
 4.5 结论
附录1 有关缔约方和国家报告编写的情况
附录2 全球植物保护战略和保护区工作方案实施进展
附录3 第八次缔约方大会要求缔约方通过国家报告提交的信息
附录4 中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告参加编写人员名单

中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告 节选


中国履行《生物多样性公约》第四次国家报告 相关资料

插图:Since the 1950s, China launched a number of large-scale national or regional investigationson biological resources. Over the recent years, China completed the National Survey onBiological Environment Status, the 6th National Forest Resources Inventory, National WetlandResources Investigation, National Wildlife Resources Investigation, the 3rd Giant PandaResources Investigation and National Investigation on the Status of Genetic Resources ofLivestock and Poultry Breeds. Currently China is conducting the National Investigation on KeyBiological Resources and the Special National Investigation on the Status of Typical MarineEcological Environment. Based up such investigations, China published a large number ofchorographic books, such as the Flora of China, which was completed in 2004 and contains 126published books in 80 volumes, the Fauna Sinica, with 115 volumes already published and theSpore Flora of China, with 63 volumes published. In addition, considerable local floras andfaunas were published.China established 2,389 environmental monitoring stations at all levels, which form acomparatively complete environmental monitoring system and enable long-term and timedmonitoring of the environment in most regions across the country, a national forest resourcesmonitoring system and 4 forest resources monitoring centers in northeast, east, northwest andsouth central China, more than 800 key prefecture- (city-, county-) level agriculturalenvironment monitoring institutions and the national network for the monitoring of coastalwaters environment, a three-dimensional marine environment monitoring network with shore-,sea- and space-based monitoring platforms, the China Ecosystem Research Network and 36 fieldresearch stations and a number of forest ecosystem monitoring sample plots at ChangbaiMountains, Dongling Mountian, Shennongjia, Gutian Mountain, Dinghu Mountain andXishuangbanna. Some national

