判别式.结式和多维行列式 |
2020-07-24 00:00:00 |
判别式.结式和多维行列式 目录
preface introduction i. general discriminants and resultants chapter i. projective dual varieties and generaldiscriminants i. definitions and basic examples 2. duality for plane curves 3. the incidence variety and the proof of the bidualitytheorem 4. further examples and properties of projective duality 5. the katz dimension formula and its applications chapter 2. the cayley method for studying discriminants 1. jet bundles and koszul complexes 2, discriminantai complexes 3, the degree and the dimension of the dual 4. discriminantal complexes in terms of differential forms 5. the discriminant as the determinant of a spectral sequence chapter 3. associated varieties and general resultants 1. grassmannians. preliminary material 2. associated hypersurfaces 3. mixed resultants 4. the cayley method for the study of resultants chapter 4. chow varieties 1. definitions and main properties 2. 0-cycles, factorizable forms and symmetric products 3. cayley-green-morrison equations of chow varieties ……
判别式.结式和多维行列式 节选
http://book.00-edu.com/tushu/kj1/202007/2632531.html |