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  2020-07-11 00:00:00  

生物电子学最近进展 本书特色


生物电子学最近进展 内容简介

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生物电子学最近进展 目录


Chapter 1 The Photoelectric Detectioat the Single Cell Level
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Dielectrophoresis
1.3 Optical Tweezers
1.4 Microfluidics
1.5 Microelectrodes
1.6 Conclusions

Chapter 2 Development of Multiple Transmission-ReflectioInfrared Spectroscopy
2.1 Introductioof Infrared AbsorptioMethodologies for ThiFilms
2.2 Optical Theory
2.3 Grazing Angle Mirror-Backed Reflection
2.4 Multiple Transmission-ReflectioInfrared Spectroscopy
2.5 OrientatioAnalyses with IR Spectroscopy
2.6 Summary

Chapter 3 Molecular Interactions at Model Cell Membranes Investigated Using Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sum Frequency GeneratioVibrational Spectroscopy
3.3 Interactions BetweeModel Cell Membranes and Small Drug Molecules
3.4 Interactions BetweeModel Cell Membranes and Nanomaterials
3.5 Interactions BetweeModel Cell Membranes and Peptides
3.6 Interactions of Membrane Associated Proteins
3.7 Conclusions and Outlooks
3.8 Acknowledgement

Chapter 4 Microparticle Based Biochips' Preliminary Subsections
4.1 Introduction
4.2 PlaiMicroparticles
4.3 Encoded Microparticles
4.4 Microparticles and Chips
4.5 Instrumentatiofor Microparticles Analysis
4.6 Conclusions and Prospective

Chapter 5 Biomedical Applications of Zwitterionic Antifouling Polymers Based Nanoparticles
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Biomedical Applications of Zwitterionic Nanoparticles
5.3 Conclusions and Outlooks

Chapter 6 Nucleosome OrganizatioAround Transcriptional Sites and Its Role iGene Regulation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Nucleosome DepletioUpstream of TranscriptioStart Sites
6.3 Nucleosome Occupancy Around Transcriptional Splice Sites
6.4 Nucleosome Positioning ithe Vicinity of TranscriptioTerminatioSites
6.5 Nucleosome Occupancy Patterns Around TranscriptioFactor Binding Sites
6.6 Conclusions

Chapter 7 Virtual and Augmented Reality iMedical and Biomedical Education
Chapter 8 Relating InformatioiEEGs to Neurocognitive Processes
Chapter 9 Detection, Processing, and Applicatioof Neural Signals
Chapter 10 Cerebral Glioma Grading Using BayesiaNetwork with Features Extracted from Multi-modal MRI
Chapter 11 Histotripsy: Image-guided, Non-invasive Ultrasound Surgery for Cardiovascular and Cancer Therapy
Color Inset 生物电子学最近进展
