THE PALACE MUSEUM-(故宫博物院)(英文) |
2020-05-30 00:00:00 |
THE PALACE MUSEUM-(故宫博物院)(英文) 目录
Preface Brief Introduction to the Palace Museum Part One Arehiteeture and Historie Relies 1.Orientation and Arrangement (1) Forbidden City Orientation (2) ArrangemerU of the Palaces and Halls 2.Imperial City Walls and Moat (1) Moat (2) Palace Walls (3) Corner Towers (4) Palace Gates 3.Outer Court (1) The Central Route (2) Fast and Wesc Wings 4.Inner Court (1) The Central Route (2) The Inner East Route (3) The Inner West Route (4) The Outer East Route— Palace Conzplex of Tranquil Longevity (5) 7be Outer West Route Part Two Collections and Eaehilitions of the Palace Museum 1.Imperial Historic Cultural Artifacts (1) Artifacts of Imperial Seals and Court Decrees (2) Donzestic Artifacts (3) Religious Artifacts 2.Ancient Art Treasures (1) Calligrapby,Paintings and Rubbings (2) Ceramics (3) Bronzes (4) Jades (5) Cloisonne (6) Bamboo, Wood,Bone and Ivory (7) Otber Handicrafts 3.Collected Books and Archives of the Qing Dynasty (1) Ancient Books of Earlier Dynasties (2)Imperial Manuscripts of the Qing Dynasty (3) Imperial Printed Books of the Qing Dynasty (4) Local Gazetteers, Arcbives and Otber Documents Postseript
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