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通过音乐学英语-儿童英语教与学的最佳指南-Book 2-(附赠光盘1张)

  2020-05-28 00:00:00  

通过音乐学英语-儿童英语教与学的最佳指南-Book 2-(附赠光盘1张) 本书特色

卡罗琳·拉姆斯登、本·拉姆斯登编写的《通过音乐学英语--儿童英语教与学的*佳指南》为引进版图书,旨在为英文入门学习与教学服务,采用简单有趣的英文歌词,配上简易动听的旋律;乐谱均配有和声标记,方便乐器伴奏。本书适用于英文初学者,在简单歌唱中轻松学习英文。图书共分为三册,《通过音乐学英语--儿童英语教与学的*佳指南(附光盘2) 》为其中第二本。

通过音乐学英语-儿童英语教与学的最佳指南-Book 2-(附赠光盘1张) 目录

Foreword前言 Guitar chords to accompany the songs 给歌曲伴奏的吉他和弦 Songs and games Language 歌曲和游戏 语言要点 FAMILY AND HoME 家和家人 Hello everybody大家好 What is your name? Very pleased to meet you!非常高兴认识你! Who is this? How many sisters?你有几个姐妹?do you have?Y0ur tum I have one!我有一个 Sister,brother,pet Draw your family tree!画出你的家谱! I haveI haven’t any Tom’s family tree汤姆的家谱 Familv members Number 23第23号 Wh0 lives in mv house7 Who lives in your house?谁住在你的家里? Where do you live7 FACE AND BoDY 脸和身体 Draw your face画出你的脸Touch your nose! Touch your elbow摸摸你的手肘 Still andⅡuiet I have a mouth and nose我有嘴巴和鼻子Parts 0f the face …point to…指一指 Is this my/your?long and short Heads,bodies,legs头、身体、腿 Monster,hodv parts Parts of the body身体的各部分That is your MoNSTER 怪物 Monster stomp怪物跺脚 Stomp,swing,roll Make a monster做一只小怪物 Colours and sizes CLOTHES 衣服 Take the hat拿起帽子 Pass it,put it on;clothes Put it on!戴上它! whose is this?It is mine! FOOD 食物 What do you like for breakfast?你早餐想吃什么? Items of f00d I like…我喜欢吃… I don’t like…Wh0 likes7 My favourite food我*喜欢的食物 Ice cream 11avours How much is it,please?请问这个多少钱? Can I help you?1 would like Where is the banana?香蕉在哪里? 0n,in,in front 0fbehind Under the chair在椅子下面 Fruit and vegetables ANIMALS 动物 Animal rhythm,ZOO rap动物节奏、动物园说唱 Z00 animals I’m a very hungry alligator我是一只非常饥饿的短吻鳄 I hear you coming T0 do the penguin waddle学企鹅走路 More actions Animal riddles动物谜语 What am 17 Revision activities 复习活动 Percussion ideas 打击乐游戏 Translation of lyrics 歌词译文 CD track list CD目录 通过音乐学英语-儿童英语教与学的最佳指南-Book 2-(附赠光盘1张)
