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美国社会与文化 内容简介


美国社会与文化 目录

chapter one out of the past
 learning objectives
 1.1 the birth of a new nation
 1.2 the growth of the new republic
 1.3 the civil war and the reconstruction
 1.4 growth and transformation
 1.5 the progressive thrust
 1.6 war, prosperity, and depression
 1.7 world war ii and its impact
 1.8 decades of change: 1960--1980
 1.9 america at the turn of the century
 essay questions
chapter two the american identity
 learning objectives
 2.1 the anglo-saxons
 2.2 white ethnic americans
 2.3 african americans
 2.4 latinos/hispanics
 2.5 asian americans
 2.6 native americans
 essay questions
chapter three religion in america
 learning objectives
 3.1 religion in america: a brief history
 3.2 "in god we trust"
 3.3 church, state and politics
 3.4 popular religion
 3.5 civil religion and beyond
 essay questions
chapter four american beliefs
 learning objectives
 4.1 primary beliefs of american culture
 4.2 immigrant beliefs
 4.3 frontier beliefs
 4.4 religious and moral beliefs
 4.5 social beliefs
 4.6 political beliefs
 4.7 beliefs on human nature
 essay questions
chapter five american values and assumptions
chapter six cultural regions in america
chapter seven education in america
chapter eight the american family
chapter nine mass media
chapter ten popular culture
chapter eleven capitalist economy and business
chapter twelve social services
chapter thirteen law and legal system
chapter fourteen american women
chapter fifteen who is an american?
essay questions

美国社会与文化 作者简介


