中国杂技 |
2020-05-22 00:00:00 |
中国杂技 内容简介
中国杂技 目录
中国杂技的起源与发展 origin and development of chinese acrobatics 中国杂技的起源 origin of chinese acrobatics 中国杂技的雏形 early chinese acrobatic acts 汉代杂技 acrobatic acts in the han dynasty 魏晋南北朝杂技 acrobatic acts in the weijin and southern and northern dynasties 隋唐杂技 acrobatic acts in the sui and 厂ang dynasties 宋元杂技 acrobatic acts in the song and yuan dynasties 明清杂技 acrobatic acts in the ming and qing dynasties 当代杂技 modern acrol3atits 杂技节目精粹 collection of acrobatics 耍坛 juggling jar 顶碗与滚杯 pagoda of bowls and cup rolling 钻圈 hoop jumping 顶技 balancing act 蹬技 pedaling act, 抖空竹 diabolo(kong/au) 爬竿 pole climbing 转碟 plate spinning 车技 厂rick—cycling 绸吊 silk hanging 舞流星 meteor hammer 舞狮子 lion dance 达瓦孜 darwaz 古彩戏法 traditional chinese magic
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