跨文化交际导读 本书特色
跨文化交际导读 内容简介
本书通过对中、美、英三国的基本文化现象的介绍和比较, 丰富读者的知识背景, 拓展读者的交际空间, 全书共分为八章, 通过精选的文化经典文章, 以地道、流畅、优美, 同时极具可读性的英语向读者全面介绍跨文化交际过程中必不可少的文化背景。
跨文化交际导读 目录
unit one topography and geography core reading geographical and social features of china geographical and social features of the us geographical and social features of the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit two history and people core reading history and people in china history and people in the us history and people in the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit three national symbols and emblems core reading the symbols of china the symbols of the us the symbols of the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit four customs and traditional festivals core reading customs and traditional festivals in china customs and traditional festivals in the us customs and traditional-festivals in the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit five national education and well-known universities core reading national education and well-known universities in china national education and well known universities in the us national education and well-known universities in the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit six government and policy core reading the government and policy in china the government and policy in the us the government and policy in the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit seven sports and life core reading sports and life in china sports and life in the us sports and life in the uk extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercisesunit eight language and literature core reading chinese language and i.iterature english language american literature british literature extensive reading passage one passage two passage three exercises参考文献