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  2020-06-21 00:00:00  

统计力学-第2版 内容简介

  for this new edition, each chapter was revised and improved, typos corrected and figures added, some in response to many helpful comments on the first edition. we especially thank professor milton w. cole for his correction of a factor 2 in the specific heat of a 1d hard-core bose gas. additionally, solutions to some representative problems have been included in an appendix.
  but, more t.han mere revision and expansion of the material, it is the wit and knowledge of a new co-author that has greatly improved the present text. thanks to this couaboration the topics of renormalization group and monte-carlo numerical techniques could be treated on a par with more conventional elements of statistical thermodynamics. the addition of these important subjects and the expansion of topics that previously had been just many-body theory and phase transitions. we present this new edition in the hope it will better serve the contemporary student while offering to the instructor a wider, more useful choice of lecture materials.

统计力学-第2版 目录

preface to second edition
preface to first edition
introduction: theories of thermodynamics, kinetic theory and
statistical mechanics
chapter 1 elementary concepts in statistics and probability
1.0.random variables and their distributions
1.1.the binomial distribution
1.2.length of a winning streak
1.3.brownian motion and the random walk
1.4.poisson versus normal (gaussian) distributions
1.5.central limit theorem (clt)
1.6.multinomial distributions, statistical thermodynamics
1.7.the barometer equation
1.8.other distributions
