Part One: About the "China Model"Driving in the right directionChina in the eyes of Western entrepreneursBalancing between speed and stabilityExtending help to Western journalistsUnderstanding the "China Model"Presenting a completely new ChinaDispute between three kinds of consensusSeeking common ground while reserving differences"American Dream," "European Dream," and "Chinese Dream"The "China Model" vs. the "Western Model"Part Two: On the Global Understanding of ChinaChina at the center of the world stageTelling neighbors the true storyFinding a topic of common interestNot judging another culture by your own measuresMaking money from a negative story of ChinaWinning respect with one's own capability or effortPart Three: How to Tell China's Story BetterTelling China's story in a brand-new languageHearing the truth for the first timeComplementing differing philosophies Jointly promoting the product of ChinaTelling the truth of Tibet to the worldTibetans paying more attention to spiritual lifeValuing the criterion for right and wrongMore about Tibet after a visit therePart Four: On Science, Educationand Intellectual PropertyLagging behind in science and technologyPlacing high priority on innovation in science and technologyNo taboo subjects in academic discussions in ChinaAbout competition in Chinese scientific circlesSeeing talent as a global commodityBringing reform to Chinese educationIntroducing competition into educationChina already on the way to IPR protectionHandling IP piracy casesFiltering unhealthy "informative air"Window glass with polarizing functionPart Five :Where Will China Go?Creating a brand-new train
《对话:中国模式(英文版)》内容简介:In this book, three superb thinkers discussthe past, the present and the future ofChina. They are Mr. Zhao, with fame as"China's Image Master" and "China's PRLeader," Mr. Naisbitt, a famous futurist inthe United States and author of the superbestseller Megatrends, and his wife, DorisNaisbitt, a sharp-eyed observer andquick-witted thinker with the quality of aGerman-speaking philosopher. When thethree eloquent dialogists, with forcefulpowers of voice and different culturalbackgrounds, have an open-mindedexchange of views on China'sdevelopmental model and the future of theworld as well as other hot topics, there mustbe a clash of opinions and hence sparks ofideas.Their dialogue covers politics, economy,society, and culture, and the issues stemmostly from questions currently in thepublic mind, such as" "What does the rapidrise of China mean to the world?" "Whydoes the West always like to impose its ownvalues on other countries?" "Does thesuccess of the Chinese economy reallymake Westerners jealous and fearful?""What is the essential difference betweenthe Western horizontal democracy and theChinese vertical democracy?" The Orientaland Occidental representatives, with theirdifferent cultural backgrounds and values,have given their own answers to thesequestions. There are often conflicts ofviews and ideas, as well as many differences in their ways of expression. Even their humor is unique and marked with their own features. All this has made the five rounds of the witty dialogue more colorful, interesting, and attractive.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to allthose people who have contributed their efforts to the publication ofthis book. We know it is a complicated process to edit a book like thisin both Chinese and English. From the conception to the birth of ourbrainchild, we received help from many of our friends in variouskinds of work, including recording, transcription, editing,translation, and communication. Help and support also came from theNew World Press, the Bridge Art Center, and the State CouncilInformation Office of China.We are particularly grateful to Madame Wu Wei, Deputy DirectorGeneral of the State Council Information Office of China, for theinitial suggestion of the book and her constant support, without whichit would not have been possible to complete this book. We areindebted to Mr. Zhou Mingwei, President of China InternationalPublishing Group, and Mr. Huang Youyi, Vice President andconcurrently Editor-in-Chief of China International Publishing Group,for contribution of their bright ideas about the topic design for thebook.Many thanks go to Mr. Zhu Yinghuang, former Editor-in-Chief ofChina Daily, and Dr. Paul Adams, visiting professor of ForeignLanguages at Tsinghua University, for polishing and reviewing theEnglish version of the book. Thanks also go to Mr.
作者:赵启正 (美国)奈斯比特 (奥地利)奈斯比特 译者:张洪斌 许靖国赵启正, was born in Beijing in 1940.Majoring in experimental nuclear physics, hegraduated from the University of Science andTechnology of China in 1963. Then he workedfor 20 years in the scientific research, design andproduction sections, taking various positionsincluding that of senior engineer. Mr. Zhaosuccessively held the oosts of vice mayor o Shanghai, concurrently director-general of the Management Committee of theShanghai Pudong New Area, and minister of the State Council InformationOffice of China. He is chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of theChinese People's Political Consultative Conference, concurrently dean of theSchool of Journalism of Renmin University of China, and dean of the BinhaiDevelopment Institute of Nankai University.Mr. Zhao's publications include Introducing China to the World - ZhaoQizheng's Speeches and Dialogues (2005), America and Americans ThroughChinese Eyes (2005), Introducing China to the Worm (Continued) the Art ofCommunication of Zhao Qizheng (2006), Riverside Talks A FriendlyDialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian (with Luis Palau, 2006), TheLogic of Pudong - the Development of Pudong and Economic Globalization(with Shao Yudong, 2007), In One Worm - 101 Stories in Communicationwith Overseas People (2007), and Dialogue with the Worm Zhao Qizheng'sSpeeches (English version, 2009). Some of these works have been translatedinto English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, and Korean.奈斯比特,John Naisbitt's books about thefuture have sold more than 14million copies. The FinancialTimes attested that "in his mostfamous book Megatrends he didnot go wrong with a singleprediction," and Accenturelisted him among the 50 global management masters. His studies ofChina began in 1967, and since then he has been to China more than ahundred times. His academic background includes studies in Utah,Cornell and Harvard. John Naisbitt has been an executive at IBM andKodak. In 1963 he went to Washington where he was assistant secretaryof education to President Kennedy, and special assistant to PresidentJohnson. John Naisbitt is the recipient of 16 honorary doctorates in thehumanities, technology and science, and holds three professorshipsfrom Chinese Universities.Doris Naisbitt, an observer of global social, economic and politicaltrends, is director of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin that wasfounded by her and John Naisbitt in 2007. She is the coauthor of China'sMegatrends: The 8 Pillars of a New Society. She also holds professorshipsat Nankai University, Yunnan University and Yunnan Normal Universityin China. Doris Naisbitt has a distinguished career in publishing,serving as head of the Austrian publishing house, Signum Verlag.During her tenure she upgraded the company by acquiringinternational ynown authors and establishing Signum as a player inthe German language market. From 2002 to 2006 she worked in closecollaboration with John Naisbitt in public lecturing and in editing andtranslating his books and other works for the German publishing housesof Hanser, Bertelsmann and Frankfurter Allgemeine Buchverlag. Sheattended the Academy of Performing Arts in Vienna.