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  2020-06-19 00:00:00  

海上丝绸之路调研报告:英文 本书特色

张明等*的这本《海上丝绸之路调研报告(英文版)》分为三个层次,即:**层次,是针对“起点 ”的国内相关问题研究,主要就福建等沿海地区如何 *好地推进“一带一路”倡议提出政策建议;第二层次,是针对“支点”扥境外问题研究,探讨中国与东盟如何在21世纪海上丝绸之路展开合作的路径与策略;第三层次,结合福建和东盟有关国家的调研分析,对与“一带一路”对中国经济与世界经济的影响、沿线国投资及其所面临的国家风险防范等其他相关问题,进行*为广泛而深入的研判。

海上丝绸之路调研报告:英文 目录

PART I Research Report on Fujian in Maritime Silk RoadChapter One A General Research Report on FujianChapter Two A Sub Research Report on XiamenChapter Three A Sub Research Report on Pingtan PART II Research Report on ASEAN in Maritime Silk RoadChapter Four A General Research Report on ASEANChapter Five A Research Report on IndonesiaChapter Six A Sub Research Report on Singapore PART III Other Relevant Researches on the Belt and Road InitiativeChapter Seven Belt and Road Initiative and World Economic Growth: From an Infrastructure Investment PerspectiveChapter Eight Belt and Road Initiative and China's Economic Transformation and DevelopmentChapter Nine Commercial Opportunities from Belt and Road InitiativeChapter Ten Status Quo and Risks of China's Economic and Trade Cooperation with Belt and Road Countries 海上丝绸之路调研报告:英文
