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八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文)

  2020-06-19 00:00:00  

八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文) 本书特色


八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文) 内容简介

如何讲好十八大以来中国共产党全面从严治党的故事?如何向国际社会解读“八项规定”这张“金色名片”? 《八项规定深刻改变中国》是通俗理论读物,以国际社会读者易于接受的方式来写理论问题,用小故事讲大道理,向国际读者阐述了中央八项规定精神所产生的重大政治影响和对中国共产党、政府和社会的深刻改变,以及中共中央治党治军治国坚如磐石的决心、执政理念和中国共产党引领中国发展的方向。 八项规定是中国共产党执政开启新时代的里程碑 八项规定已经改变中国 八项规定还将继续改变中国

八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文) 目录

Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1 A New Starting Point: Why the Eight-point Regulation? 9 I. On the New Starting Point 10 II. Important Responsibilities 23 III. Eight-point Regulation: A Solemn Commitment to the Party and the People 37 Chapter 2 New Look: Leaders of the Central Committee Show the Way in Practicing the Eight-point Regulation 51 I. _ e Party’s Lifeline and Its Fundamental Road Map 53 II. Improving Analysis and Study 73 Chapter 3 Party and Government Conduct Has Been Improved Since the Launch of the Eight-point Regulation 89 I. Building Institutions Helps to Implement the Eight-point Regulation 90 II. Typical Cases Are Investigated and Dealt with to Carry Forward Party Discipline and State Laws 101 III. Addressing Misconduct: Ridding Our Organizations of Bad Habits 126 IV. New Era, New Goals: Modernizing Our State Governance System and Governing Capacity 142 Chapter 4 New Trends: Eight-point Regulation and the Change in Social Morals 159 I. Developing the Tradition of Diligence and _ rift 161 II. Industries Transformed to Serve the Majority of the People 173 Chapter 5 A New Mission: Setting Out to Realize the Chinese Dream 189 I. What Has Been Changed by the Eight-point Regulation 193 II. Integrity to the Forefront 204 III. Improving the Party’s Working Practices and Realizing the Chinese Dream 219 Conclusion 228

八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文) 作者简介

梁相斌,新华社北京分社社长、高级编辑,武汉大学博士生导师,北京市人大代表,武汉市政府参事。 祝捷,武汉大学法学院副院长,武汉大学党内法规研究中心副主任、教授、博士生导师,教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目首席专家。

八项规定 深刻改变中国(英文)
