社会语言学 本书特色
社会语言学 内容简介
社会语言学 目录
chapter 1 what is sociolinguistics
1.1 introduction
1.2 a compound term
1.3 the rise of soeiolinguisties
1.3.1 time
1.3.2 background
1.4 definitions of sociolinguistics
1.5 sociolinguistics and relevant sciences
1.5. l sociolinguistics and dialectology
1.5.2 sociolinguistics, anthropological and ethnographic linguistics
1.5.3 sociolinguistics and pragmatics
1.5.4 sociolinguistics and socio-semiotics
1.6 branches of sociolinguistics
1.6.1 social dialectology
1.6.2 sociology of language
社会语言学 节选
社会语言学 相关资料
插图:In Western history, discussions on the relationship betweenlanguage and the world also reflect what sociolinguistics is concernedwith, and this tradition can be traced back to the ancient Greek timewhen Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lived, though at that time, theirdiscussions mainly focused on what the world was and language wasonly a byproduct of such thinking. By the end of the 18 th century andthe beginning of the 19th century when historical comparative linguisticstudies prevailed, W. Humboldt, the famous German linguist hadpointed out explicitly, "The diversity of languages is not a diversity ofsigns and sounds but a diversity of views of the world. " (Trabant,2000) The task of comparative linguistics should include four parts:language; end of language use; human development and nation, amongwhich at least two were related to sociolinguistics. On the one hand,language is related to nation. It represents a nation's spirit andcharacteristics. On the other hand, language is related to thought.Thought determines language and language restricts thought. By the1920s, there had appeared two important linguistic schools in Europeand America and they helped establish basis for the formation anddevelopment of sociolinguistics. The first school isLondon or Functional School represented by B. Malinowsky and J.Firth. The second school is North American Anthropological Linguisticsrepresented by F. Boas and E. Sapir. As time goes by, both schoolshave developed a close relation between sociolinguistics.