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  2020-05-14 00:00:00  

广义梯级含义理论及其应用 内容简介

简介   意义研究始终是语言学,心理学和哲学等学科关注的焦点问题之一。话语含义是意义研究中的一个重要课题。因此,本书选择话浯含义中的梯级含义作为研究对象,以原有酌转统量词梯级婵沦为基础,构建一个研究范围和研究内容都得以拓展和丰富的广义梯级含义理论,并从认知语用学的视角探讨其对梯级现象的创新闸释。在此基础上,本书指出,言语交际中的梯级推理必须受制工人类人脑的认知机制和社会语用适切性条件,从而才能有效避免梯级研究中因忽略语境因素导致含义泛化的问题。

广义梯级含义理论及其应用 目录

Abstract Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Preliminary Remarks 1.2 A Broad Preview of Scalar Implicatures1.3 Rationale of the Present Research 1.4 Objectives of the Current Research 1.5 Significance of the Current Research 1.6 Layout of the Book Chapter Two Literature Review 2. 1 Introduction 2.2 The Gricean Framework of Meaning Classification 2.3 Grice's Theory of Implicatures: The Cooperative Principle 2.4 Two Mainstream Approaches to Scalar Implicature 2.4.1 The Neo-Gricean Approach 2.4.2 The Post-Gricean Approach 2.5 Interim Summary 2.6 Scalar Implicatures in Experimental Pragmatics 2.7 Problems with the Previous Accounts 2.8 Summary Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Empirical Observation 3.3 Cognitive Orientation 3.3.1 Conceptual Scales 3.3.2 Pragmatic Scales as Conceptual Scales 3.3.3 Scalar Models 3.3.4 Two Properties of Scalar Models 3.3.5 Four Major Kinds of Scalar Logic 3.4 Pragmatic Constraints on Scalar Implicatures 3.5 Summary Chapter Four Scalar Implicatures via Polarity Items 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Polarity Sensitivity of Polarity Items 4.2.1 Polarity Items 4.2.2 Polarity Context 4.3 The Semantic Approaches to Polarity Items 4.3.1 Affectivity as Downward Entailment: Ladusaw (1979) 4.3.2 Affectivity as Negation. Baker (1970) and Linebarger (1980) 4.4 Scalar Model of Polarity Items (SMP) 4.4.1 The Journey Through the Study of Scalar Model 4.4.2 The Initial SMP 4.4.3 Comments on the Initial SMP 4.4.4 The Revised SMP 4.4.5 Comparison Between the Initial SMP and the Revised SMP 1024.4.6 Cognitive Understanding of the Revised SMP4.4.7 Comments on the Revised SMP4.5 Supplements to the Revised SMP4.5.1 The Pragmatic Constraints on the Revised SMP4.5.2 Solutions to the Three Untouched Issues4.6 SummaryChanter Five Scalar ImDlicatures via Evenas a Scalar Operator5.1 Introduction5.2 A General Survey of Previous Studies on Even5.2.1 The Argumentative Approach to Even5.2.2 The Semantic Approaches to Even5.2.3 The Pragmatic Approaches to Even5.2.4 The Scalar Approaches to Even5.3 A Dynamic Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Even5.3.1 Relevance-oriented Procedural Meaning of Even5.3.2 Ad hoc Pragmatic Scales and the Dynamic Scalar Interpretation of Even-sentences5.4 SummaryChapter Six Scalar Implicatures vis Hyperbolic MetaphorsChapter Seven ConclusionReferences

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广义梯级含义理论及其应用 作者简介


