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  2020-05-14 00:00:00  

树库-句法分析语料库的构建和使用 本书特色


树库-句法分析语料库的构建和使用 内容简介


树库-句法分析语料库的构建和使用 目录

anne abeill??
1 building treebanks 
2 using treebanks 

part i building treebanks
english treebanks
the penn treebank:an overview 
ann taylor, mitchell marcus, beatrice santorini
1 the annotation schemes 
2 methodology 
3 conclusions 
thoughts on two decades of drawing trees 
geoffrey sampson
1 historical background 
2 building treebanks 
3 exploiting the susanne treebank 
4 small is beautiful 
5 annotating a spoken corpus 
6 using the christine corpus 
7 conclusion 
bank of english and beyond 
timo j?rvinen
1 introduction 
2 annotating 200 million words 
3 engcg syntax 
4 fdg parser 
5 conclusion 
completing parsed corpora 
sean wallis
1 introduction 
2 conventional post-correction 
3 a paradigm shift: transverse correction 
4 critique 
german treebanks
syntactic annotation of a german newspaper corpus 
thorsten brants, wojciech skut, hans uszkoreit
1 introduction 
2 treebank development 
3 corpus annotation 
4 applications 
5 conclusions 
annotation of error types for a german 
newsgroup corpus
markus becker, andrew bredenkamp, berthold crysmann, judith klein
1 introduction 
2 corpus description 
3 annotation strategy 
4 annotation tools 
5 evaluation 
6 first results 
7 conclusion 
slavic treebanks
the prague dependency treebank 
alena b?hmov??, jan hajicˇ, eva hajicˇov??, barbora hladk??
1 the prague dependency treebank 
2 morphological level 
3 analytical level 
4 merging the morphological and the 
analytical syntactic level 
5 tectogrammatical level 
6 pdt versions 1.0 and 2.0 
7 conclusion 
an hpsg-annotated test suite for polish 
malgorzata marciniak, agnieszka mykowiecka, adam przepiórkowski, anna kup    
1 aims and design constraints 
2 correctness and complexity markers 
3 linguistic phenomena 
4 annotation schema 
5 implementation issues 
6 conclusion 
treebanks for romance languages
developing a syntactic annotation scheme and tools 
for a spanish treebank 
antonio moreno, susana lópez, fernando s??nchez, ralph grishman
1 introduction 
2 data selection 
3 annotation scheme 
4 tools 
5 debugging and error statistics 
6 current state and future development 
building a treebank for french 
anne abeill??, lionel cl??ment, fran?ois toussenel
1 the tagging phase 
2 the parsing phase 
3 current state and future work 
4 conclusion 
building the italian syntactic-semantic treebank 
simonetta montemagni, francesco barsotti, marco battista, nicoletta calzolari, ornella corazzari, alessandro lenci. antonio zampolli, francesca fanciulli, maria massetani, remo raffaelli, roberto basili, maria teresa pazienza, dario saracino, fabio zanzotto,nadia mana, fabio pianesi, rodolfo delmonte
1 introduction 
2 isst architecture 
3 isst corpus 
4 isst morpho-syntactic annotation 
5 isst syntactic annotation 
6 isst lexico-semantic annotation 
7 the multi-level linguistic annotation tool 
8 isst evaluation 
9 conclusion 
automated creation of a medieval portuguese 
partial treebank 
vitor rocio. m??rio amado alves, j. gabriel lopes, maria francisca xavier, gra?a vicente
1 introduction 
2 the parsed corpus of medieval 
portuguese texts 
3 tools and computational resources 
4 evaluation 
5 conclusion 
treebanks for other languages
sinica treebank 
keh-jiann chen, chi-ching luo, ming-chung chang, feng-yi chen, chao-jan chen, chu-ren huang, zhao-ming gao
1 introduction 
2 design criteria 
3 representation of lexico-grammatical 
information: icg 
4 annotation guideline 
5 implementation 
6 representational issues: problematic cases 
and how they are solved 
7 current status of the sinica treebank and 
future work 
building a japanese parsed corpus 
sadao kurohashi, makoto nagao
1 introduction 
2 overview of the project 
3 morphological analyzer juman 
4 dependency structure analyzer knp 
5 conclusion 
building a turkish treebank 
kemal oflazer, bilge say, dilek zeynep hakkani-tür, g?khan tür
1 turkish: morphology and syntax 
2 what information needs to be represented? 
3 the annotation tool 
4 some difficult issues 
5 conclusions and future work 

part ii using treebanks
encoding syntactic annotation 
nancy ide, laurent romary
1 introduction 
2 xces 
3 syntactic annotation: current practice 
4 a model for syntactic annotation 
5 using the xces scheme 
6 conclusion 
evaluation with treebanks
parser evaluation 
john carroll, guido minnen, ted briscoe
1 introduction 
2 grammatical relation annotation 
3 corpus annotation 
4 parser evaluation 
5 discussion 
6 summary 
dependency-based evaluation of minipar 
dekang lin
1 introduction 
2 dependency-based parser evaluation 
3 evaluation of minipar with susanne corpus 
4 selective evaluation 
5 related work 
6 conclusions 
grammar induction with treebanks
extracting stochastic grammars from treebanks 
rens bod
1 introduction 
2 summary of data-oriented parsing 
3 simulating stochastic grammars by 
constraining the subtree set 
4 discussion and conclusion 
a uniform method for automatically extracting
stochastic lexicalized tree grammars from 
treebanks and hpsg 
günter neumann
1 introduction 
2 related work 
3 grammar extraction 
4 sltg from treebanks 
5 sltg from hpsg 
6 future steps: towards merging sltgs 
from treebank resources to lfg f-structures 
anette frank, louisa sadler, josef van genabith, andy way
1 introduction 
2 methods for automatic f-structure 
3 two experiments 
4 discussion and current research 
5 summary 

contributing authors 

