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读谚语 学英语

  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

读谚语 学英语 内容简介

本书是为中学生设计的一套课外阅读和写作材料。该材料与新目标人教版中学英语教材Go for it!配套。本书共分15单元,每单元以一个谚语为主题,围绕这个主题作者编写的一个个小故事综合理解和语法练习。

读谚语 学英语 目录

Unit 1 Out of the frying pan into the fire.Unit 2 Put your heart and soul into something.Unit 3 Seeing is believing.Unit 4 Old habits die hard.Unit 5 Get your priorities right.Unit 6 Actions speak louder than words.Unit 7 Your wish is my command.Unit 8 Take the bull by the horns.Unit 9 Two wrongs don't make a right.Unit 10 People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Unit 11 Money isn't everything.Unit 12 One in a million.Unit 13 You mustn't try to run before you can walk.Unit 14 To let the cat out of the bag.Unit 15 It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.AnswersIdiomsNew Words and ExpressionsVocabulary Index

读谚语 学英语 节选

《读谚语 学英语.9a》是为中学生设计的一套课外阅读和写作材料。该材料与新目标人教版中学英语教材Goforit配套。作者GrahamSage先生出生于英格兰,牛津大学现代语言学硕士。他曾在新加坡创办了一所语言培训学校,具有丰富的语言教学经验。

读谚语 学英语
