小学英语-4年级-快乐阅读天天练-方洲新概念-新课标 内容简介
小学英语-4年级-快乐阅读天天练-方洲新概念-新课标 目录
基础篇 kids' love why is he late? where is my hamburger? a bad writer so many tickets where is my cat? two holes he came to say goodbye time to get up i'm his tailor amazing elevator schoolls not that bad hair and beard a special bridge does the dog know? our sun swimming air is everywhere old man and old cat what to eat? union is strength a good seller find the daughter where are we going? a green tongue
进阶篇 special classroom the world outside put back my beard it's a shadow go home by car thanks to the giraffe mysterious sea a great father spring festival horse in the sea a day of john my best friend tina and her dolls the best skirt …… 提高篇 参考答案