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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

创意关-小学生英语阅读闯关秘笈 本书特色

《小学生英语阅读闯关秘笈》系列丛书就是为小学中高年级的学生们学习英语而量身打造的!本系列丛书设置了六重关卡,分别为:奇趣关、幽默关、机智关、反思关、探索关、创意关,每道关卡都为提升你的英语水平而精心设置。阅读本系列丛书,闯过重重关卡,待到你回头看时,你的英语水平已经在你不懈地努力中有了大幅度的提升。   本丛书适合小学3~6年级的学生阅读。刚开始可能有些单词会看不懂,有些故事会看不明白,别着急,你可以根据中文或故事情节去猜,还可以向爸爸、妈妈或老师请教。这样坚持下去,随着阅读量的增多,你的英语水平自然而然就提高了。郝梅主编的《小学生英语阅读闯关秘笈(创意关)》是该丛书之一。

创意关-小学生英语阅读闯关秘笈 目录

two pills and one pill
juliet' s birthday
my books
a baby sister
an orange tree
two apples
be careful
you may select
don't walk on the grass
the first floor
do you know why?
mother and son
part-time job
white hair
a picture of her husband
i did it
i wasn' t asleep
eating ice-cream
two families
he wants your cap
a thief
tom' s question
the choice of word
a woman using the telephone
mr smith and a thief
billy and bobby
buy time
one shoe
wait for a bus
the stories are still in them
lucky mother
i only send you six
mr going-to-do
all of men are the same
if he is on foot
a woman who likes talking
i want to be a dustman
only one light
which month did he go away?
careless mr jenkins
i had to slap his wife
you eat the third one
she is wrong
peter' s feet
i can see nothing
one year older
another telegram
it was not locked
better late than never
my wife can't lay eggs
enjoy your vegetables
a pair of different socks
a movie fan
jim and tim
a careful timekepper
cheap oranges
know nothing
in the fast food restaurant
a dream of twenty years before
where is her ticket?
see the doctor
to teach a lesson
