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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

英语-三升四-抢先起跑 本书特色

知识要点承上启下,温故知新;   衔接训练分级设置,快速提高;   复习与提优并重,让你一开学就成为尖子生!

英语-三升四-抢先起跑 目录

chapter 01  welcome to school
chapter 02  nice to meet you!
chapter 03  toys i like
chapter 04  colors around us
chapter 05  things we can (not) do
chapter 06  show time
chapter 07  pets
chapter 08  wild animals
chapter 09  my stationary
chapter 10  my clothes
chapter 11  what time?
chapter 12  food and drinks
chapter 13  shopping
chapter 14  phonics
chapter 15  festivals
