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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

小学英语无障碍学习丛书:英语小故事课后读(六年级) 本书特色


小学英语无障碍学习丛书:英语小故事课后读(六年级) 内容简介


小学英语无障碍学习丛书:英语小故事课后读(六年级) 目录

英语幽默小故事  (1)coincidence(巧合)/1 (2)a tasty meal (一顿美餐)/3 (3)a welcome guest (受欢迎的听众)/5 (4)lifelong ambition (毕生愿望)/7 (5)child’s understanding (孩子的理解)/9 (6)i’ve sold the old shoes (我把旧鞋卖了)/11 (7)three days to live (只能再活三天)/13 (8)saving three cents (省了三分钱)/15 (9)a bargain (物美价廉)/17 (10)saving money (省钱)/19 (11)the farmer and the barber (农场主和理发师)/21 (12)a high-tech store (高科技商店)/23 (13)the magic of traditional chinese doctor (神奇的中医)/25 (14)a clever dog (聪明的小狗)/27 (15)two tortoises (两只乌龟)/29 (16)nine lives (九条命)/31 (17)howare you? (你好吗?)/33 (18)complain(抱怨)/35 (19)new year resolutions (新年计划)/37 (20)the flat tire (轮胎没气了)/39 (21)the cat returned (猫回来了)/41 (22)subjects of conversation (交谈的主题)/43 (23)i’m jack (我才是杰克)/45 (24)do you know who i am? (你知道我是谁吗?)/47 (25)we were both wrong (我们都错了)/49 (26)a hotel reservation (酒店预订)/51 (27)sun the ice(晒冰)/53 (28)change name (改名)/55 (29)the broom seller and the barber (卖扫帚的人和理发师)/57 (30)beef sandwich (牛肉三明治)/59 英语励志小故事  (1)sand and stone (沙子和石头)/61 (2)the big rocks (大石头)/63 (3)a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡)/65 (4)change the world (改变世界)/67 (5)do every job well (做好每一件事)/69 (6)confidence(自信)/71 (7)alexander’s three wishes (亚历山大的三个愿望)/73 (8)the stone soup (石头汤)/75 (9)become a lake (做一个湖)/77 (10)wealth, success and love (财富,成功和爱)/79 (11)the value of love (爱的价值)/81 (12)the most beautiful heart (*美的心)/83 (13)how much music can you make? (你能创作多少音乐?)/85 (14)if and when (“如果”和“到那时”)/87 (15)the rivals in the life (生活中的对手)/89 (16)never give up (绝不言弃)/91 (17)what did you miss in your life? (在生活中,你错过了什么?)/93 (18)stop to lose (及时止损)/95 (19)a gift from heart (来自内心的礼物)/97 (20)one success in life is enough (人生有一次成功就够了)/99 (21)what is adversity? (逆境是什么?)/101 (22)the angel(天使)/103 (23)gold in the orchard (果园里的金子)/105 (24)grace from god (上天的恩典)/107 (25)the praying hands (祈祷之手)/109 英语童话小故事(1)cinderella(灰姑娘)/112 (2)little red-cap (小红帽)/114 (3)snow white (白雪公主)/116 (4)sleeping beauty (睡美人 /118(5)thumbelina (拇指姑娘)/120 (6)twelve danced princesses (十二个跳舞的公主)/122 (7)the frog prince (青蛙王子)/124 (8)the seven ravens (七只乌鸦)/126 (9)the emperor’s new suit (皇帝的新装)/128 (10)twelve huntsmen (十二个猎人)/130 (11)the pea princess (豌豆公主)/132 (12)the little match-girl (卖火柴的小女孩)/134 (13)the little mermaid (海的女儿)/136 (14)cat and mouse (猫和老鼠)/138 (15)lucky hans (幸运的汉斯)/140 英语寓言小故事(1)poor and rich (贫穷和富有)/142 (2)the bonded donkey (被束缚的驴子)/144 (3)it is as you will (这由你来决定)/146 (4)parable of the pencil (铅笔的寓言)/148 (5)the overconfident mantis (过分自信的螳螂)/150 (6)choosing a friend (选朋友)/152 (7)owl guiding the direction (猫头鹰指路)/154 (8)a heart’s-ease (心安草)/156 (9)a cracked pot (有裂痕的罐子)/158 (10)the sweetest melody (*动听的歌)/160英语圣经小故事(1)god makes the world (上帝创造世界)/162 (2)adam and eve (亚当和夏娃)/164 (3)the tower of babel (巴别塔)/166 (4)commandments from god (上帝的诫命)/168 (5)the savior is born (救世主出世)/170 (6)john the baptist (施洗约翰)/172 (7)who’s the greatest? (谁是*了不起的?)/174 (8)give up possessions (抛弃财产)/176 (9)judas sells out (犹大的出卖)/178 (10)jesus is alive (耶稣复活了)/180 英语神话小故事(1)pandora’s box (潘多拉的魔盒)/182 (2)pygmalion’s statue (皮格马利翁的少女雕像)/185 (3)king midas and his golden touch (迈达斯国王和他的点金术)/187 (4)the sirens (海妖塞壬)/189 (5)apollo(阿波罗)/191  (8)daphne(达芙妮)/197  (6)the olympian god ( 奥林匹斯山神)/193 (9)athena (雅典娜女神)/199  (10)narcissus (那喀索斯)/201  (7)eros(爱神厄洛斯)/195  参考答案/203  英语幽默小故事  (1)coincidence(巧合)/1 (2)a tasty meal (一顿美餐)/3 (3)a welcome guest (受欢迎的听众)/5 (4)lifelong ambition (毕生愿望)/7 (5)child’s understanding (孩子的理解)/9 (6)i’ve sold the old shoes (我把旧鞋卖了)/11 (7)three days to live (只能再活三天)/13 (8)saving three cents (省了三分钱)/15 (9)a bargain (物美价廉)/17 (10)saving money (省钱)/19 (11)the farmer and the barber (农场主和理发师)/21 (12)a high-tech store (高科技商店)/23 (13)the magic of traditional chinese doctor (神奇的中医)/25 (14)a clever dog (聪明的小狗)/27 (15)two tortoises (两只乌龟)/29 (16)nine lives (九条命)/31 (17)howare you? (你好吗?)/33 (18)complain(抱怨)/35 (19)new year resolutions (新年计划)/37 (20)the flat tire (轮胎没气了)/39 (21)the cat returned (猫回来了)/41 (22)subjects of conversation (交谈的主题)/43 (23)i’m jack (我才是杰克)/45 (24)do you know who i am? (你知道我是谁吗?)/47 (25)we were both wrong (我们都错了)/49 (26)a hotel reservation (酒店预订)/51 (27)sun the ice(晒冰)/53 (28)change name (改名)/55 (29)the broom seller and the barber (卖扫帚的人和理发师)/57 (30)beef sandwich (牛肉三明治)/59 英语励志小故事  (1)sand and stone (沙子和石头)/61 (2)the big rocks (大石头)/63 (3)a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡)/65 (4)change the world (改变世界)/67 (5)do every job well (做好每一件事)/69 (6)confidence(自信)/71 (7)alexander’s three wishes (亚历山大的三个愿望)/73 (8)the stone soup (石头汤)/75 (9)become a lake (做一个湖)/77 (10)wealth, success and love (财富,成功和爱)/79 (11)the value of love (爱的价值)/81 (12)the most beautiful heart (*美的心)/83 (13)how much music can you make? (你能创作多少音乐?)/85 (14)if and when (“如果”和“到那时”)/87 (15)the rivals in the life (生活中的对手)/89 (16)never give up (绝不言弃)/91 (17)what did you miss in your life? (在生活中,你错过了什么?)/93 (18)stop to lose (及时止损)/95 (19)a gift from heart (来自内心的礼物)/97 (20)one success in life is enough (人生有一次成功就够了)/99 (21)what is adversity? (逆境是什么?)/101 (22)the angel(天使)/103 (23)gold in the orchard (果园里的金子)/105 (24)grace from god (上天的恩典)/107 (25)the praying hands (祈祷之手)/109 英语童话小故事(1)cinderella(灰姑娘)/112 (2)little red-cap (小红帽)/114 (3)snow white (白雪公主)/116 (4)sleeping beauty (睡美人 /118(5)thumbelina (拇指姑娘)/120 (6)twelve danced princesses (十二个跳舞的公主)/122 (7)the frog prince (青蛙王子)/124 (8)the seven ravens (七只乌鸦)/126 (9)the emperor’s new suit (皇帝的新装)/128 (10)twelve huntsmen (十二个猎人)/130 (11)the pea princess (豌豆公主)/132 (12)the little match-girl (卖火柴的小女孩)/134 (13)the little mermaid (海的女儿)/136 (14)cat and mouse (猫和老鼠)/138 (15)lucky hans (幸运的汉斯)/140 英语寓言小故事(1)poor and rich (贫穷和富有)/142 (2)the bonded donkey (被束缚的驴子)/144 (3)it is as you will (这由你来决定)/146 (4)parable of the pencil (铅笔的寓言)/148 (5)the overconfident mantis (过分自信的螳螂)/150 (6)choosing a friend (选朋友)/152 (7)owl guiding the direction (猫头鹰指路)/154 (8)a heart’s-ease (心安草)/156 (9)a cracked pot (有裂痕的罐子)/158 (10)the sweetest melody (*动听的歌)/160英语圣经小故事(1)god makes the world (上帝创造世界)/162 (2)adam and eve (亚当和夏娃)/164 (3)the tower of babel (巴别塔)/166 (4)commandments from god (上帝的诫命)/168 (5)the savior is born (救世主出世)/170 (6)john the baptist (施洗约翰)/172 (7)who’s the greatest? (谁是*了不起的?)/174 (8)give up possessions (抛弃财产)/176 (9)judas sells out (犹大的出卖)/178 (10)jesus is alive (耶稣复活了)/180 英语神话小故事(1)pandora’s box (潘多拉的魔盒)/182 (2)pygmalion’s statue (皮格马利翁的少女雕像)/185 (3)king midas and his golden touch (迈达斯国王和他的点金术)/187 (4)the sirens (海妖塞壬)/189 (5)apollo(阿波罗)/191  (8)daphne(达芙妮)/197  (6)the olympian god ( 奥林匹斯山神)/193 (9)athena (雅典娜女神)/199  (10)narcissus (那喀索斯)/201  (7)eros(爱神厄洛斯)/195  参考答案/203  

小学英语无障碍学习丛书:英语小故事课后读(六年级) 作者简介


