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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

听霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 本书特色


听霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 内容简介


听霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 目录

1. 时尚人物001 steve jobs史蒂夫·乔布斯  002 let’s rock f1让我们一起开方程式赛车  003 evelyn rubio releases sexy and ‘saxy’伊夫林·卢比奥大放性感和“萨感”  004 the king of the snooker world—o’sullivan斯诺克世界的霸主——奥沙利文  005 ang lee李安  006 lee kaifu: disasters also help李开复:挫折也是一笔财富  007 liu wei: an armless pianist who is in pursuit刘伟:追逐梦想的断臂钢琴师  008 taylor swift泰勒·斯威夫特  009 new economic policy made by obama奥巴马的新经济政策  010 adele阿黛尔  2. 社会文化011 malala yousafzai urges “education for all”马拉拉·尤沙夫赛推进“全民教育”  012 culture shock文化冲击  013 american talk more slippier than you might think美国人说话也绕弯  014 work as a stay-at-home dad我是奶爸  015 pubs酒吧文化 016 hospitality美式待客之道  017 tradition of western wedding西方婚礼传统  018 us labor day arrives five months late迟来五个月的美国劳动节 019 halloween万圣节  020 pied piper day彩衣魔笛手节  021 mid-autumn festival中秋节  022 april fool’s day愚人节 023 the boy scouts of america美国童子军团  024 survival holidays生存假期 025 learn chinese, not french学习中文,而不是法文  026 american names美式名字  027 driving in america车行美国  028 why do people swing their arms when they walk?为什么人走路时要摆手?  029 christmas music makes us spend more圣诞音乐刺激购物欲望  030 holiday economy假日经济  031 an unknown goddess无名女神 032 can eyes speak?眼睛可以讲话吗?  033 fly me to the moon? that’ll be $100 million!带我上月球?那得要一亿美元!  034 advertising登广告  035 universal design: good for everybody通用设计:人人有益  3. 环境与健康036 why don’t you eat healthfully?你为什么不吃得健康些?  037 how to kick your caffeine habit如何戒掉咖啡瘾 038 smoking吸烟  039 what a miserable lot dieters are!减肥与痛苦 040 the best hamburger*好的汉堡  041 i love shake shack快餐界小鲜肉shake shack  042 you are what you eat人如其食  043 don’t throw me away不要扔掉我  044 climate change and china气候变化和中国  045 world aids day世界艾滋病日  046 acne food—the reason you get acne痤疮食品——痤疮的原凶 047 things that annoy the chefs大厨们讨厌的事  048 fire tornadoes火龙卷  049 the fiddler crab招潮蟹 050 favorite chinese food*喜欢的中国菜  051 world water shortage世界水短缺  052 too much light太多的光  053 water pollution水污染 054 saving the planet: how you can help保护星球:你能做什么  4. 家庭与教育055 teenage girls benefit from exercises青春期女孩受益于运动  056 overcoming the fear克服羞怯 057 six hours, good health六个小时,身体健康  058 success and habit成功与习惯  059 making friends in high school高中交朋友  060 the best advice i ever got一生中*好的忠告  061 a brother like that那样的哥哥  062 family life家庭生活  063 raising children in america美式教养观  064 how can i live with you?我该怎样和你一起生活? 065 an unlighted candle未被点燃的蜡烛  066 americans’ home美国人的家  067 the top crowd领头人  068 schooling and education上学与受教育  069 music inspire kids to be creative音乐激发学生的创造力  070 first day in high school高中**天 071 learn english, spread your wings!学习英语,展开你的翅膀!  072 successful students成功的学生  073 the key to a happy college life怎样过好大学生活  074 the speech in fudan university复旦大学演说  075 try to be a good student做个好学生  076 suggestions for students applying for colleges in theunited states给申请赴美留学学生的一点建议  077 student credit cards: paying for online expenses学生信用卡:网上支付  078 avoiding debt as an international student留学生避免海外债务  079 costs of studying in the united states在美国读书的费用  080 let’s take the ielts!我们一起考雅思!  081 chinese students in the u.s.中国学生在美国  082 tips for studying overseas海外留学小贴士  083 online classes may change university在线课程或将彻底改变大学  5. 潮流前线084 moocs are moving forward大规模开放式网上课程正袭来  085 at chinatown在唐人街  086 facebook emoji helps you express more facebook表情符号让你表达更丰富 087 petra佩特拉  088 teaching at a laundry在洗衣店教书  089 prague布拉格  090 new york纽约  091 this is america这就是美国  092 holidays in paris在巴黎度假  093 dior—the nickname of fashion迪奥——潮流的代名词  094 ibm predicts five new technologies to change the worldibm预测未来改变世界的五种科技  095 powerful solar-powered bags强大的太阳能包  096 what’s the brand of your cell phone?你用的是什么品牌的手机?  097 the cyberspace网络空间  6. 时事见闻098 president xi’s state visits习主席出访  099 china plans huge buses that can drive over cars中国发明了能解决小车问题的大巴  100 twitter推特  101 putin: visa-free travel to russia for brics普京:对金砖国家免签!  102 barack obama begins 2nd term as president奥巴马开始总统第二任期  103 koreans weep with joy at family reunions朝韩离散亲属:相见难再见,满堂尽悲欢  104 the 2015 nobel prize went to tu youyou屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖  105 looking for the suspects at the boston bombings追捕波士顿爆炸案嫌犯  106 harry potter’s world comes alive哈利·波特的魔法世界变成现实  107 rats with a mission身兼要务的老鼠 108 who shall be blamed for it?到底是谁的错? 109 china ends one-child policy中国步入“二胎时代”  110 beijing becomes the first ever city to host both summerand winter olympics!北京将成为史上首个举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的城市 7. 品味人生111 the positive side of life生活的积极面  112 people in your life你生活里的人  113 you are unique in this world唯你不可取代 114 place your goal in your heart把目标放在心里  115 what is your recovery rate?你的恢复速率是多少?  116 with people when you are sad伤心时不必独处  117 scary music is even scarier if you shut your eyes闭上眼睛,惊悚音乐更加惊悚  118 my brain is better than yours我的脑筋比你好  119 the secret to happiness is keeping busy想快乐就忙起来吧  120 manage your time管理你的时间  121 hold your head up high昂起你的头  122 i am special我就是我  123 judge your life判定人生  124 are you right?自己是对的吗?  125 my first job我的**份工作  126 unleashing your creativity释放你的创造力  127 the meanest mother*无情的母亲  128 a lesson of life生命的教训 129 life on a desert island荒岛生活  130 never to accept pay for a kindness施以爱心 不图回报 8. 生活百态(一)131 “sixth sense” does exist in humans人类第六感 真实的存在  132 a big joke笑话一场  133 onion’s miracle洋葱的奇迹  134 monster or fish?是妖还是鱼?  135 on bravery论勇敢  136 work and pleasure工作和娱乐  137 a young flower in the desert沙漠里有朵小花 138 road to success成功之路  139 let go love将爱放飞 令爱常驻 140 how to ride out the earthquake如何安全度过地震  141 the vase花瓶  142 secret in the cookies饼干里的秘密  143 perfect heart完美的心  144 miracle奇迹  145 wild duck wally野鸭沃利的故事  146 the silent village沉默的村庄  147 imagined smile看不见的微笑  148 collecting收藏  149 wild flowers野花  150 happy birthday and birthday cakes生日快乐与生日蛋糕  151 the suitcase of mr. smith史密斯先生的行李箱  152 a spot of bother一点儿小麻烦  153 the choice选择  154 lucky or unlucky幸运还是不幸  155 the river河流  9. 生活百态(二)156 phrases with the word dog与狗有关的短语  157 an amateur artist业余艺术家 158 too tired to have a holiday累得不想度假  159 a necklace一条项链  160 the dishonest desk clerk不诚实的前台接待员  161 jim’s birthday gift吉姆的生日礼物  162 a millionaire and a little girl富翁和小女孩 163 trusting helps spot liars信任助你识破谎言  164 essay tests主观题  165 speed and comfort速度与舒适 166 the land of dreams梦想的土地  167 let’s have a cup of coffee!来杯咖啡吧!  168 restaurants in london伦敦的餐馆  169 the real meaning of peace平静的真谛  170 telepathy心灵感应  171 why shouldn’t we buy the lady a flower?我们为什么不送给那位女士一朵花呢?  172 breast milk母乳 173 meanings of dreams梦的含义  174 sleep for intelligence睡觉可以更聪明  175 i could do it too我也能做到  176 travel around the world with families带着全家环球旅行  177 that isn’t our fault那不是我们的错  178 look! they got engaged in the arctic, married in theantarctic.北极订婚,南极结婚 听霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练
