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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

经济学专业英语教程(第三版·上)(教育部推荐教材;大学专业英语系列教材) 本书特色

     《经济学专业英语教程》兼顾英语语言的学习应用和经济学专业知识两个方面。学生在锻炼英语应用能力的同时,又可学到经济学方面的知识。 宋利芳、张勇先、高宏存主编的《经济学专业英语教程(第三版·上)》共有14个单元,每一单元包括主课文和副课文,系统介绍了经济学方面的基础知识和基本理论,具有较强的系统性和完整性,涵盖了微观经济学和宏观经济学的主要内容。各单元的主课文内容分别为:**单元:什么是经济学;第二单元:需求与供给;第三单元:需求与供给的价格弹性;第四单元:生产成本;第五单元:垄断;第六单元:寡头垄断;第七单元:国内生产总值;第八单元:经济增长;第九单元:通货膨胀;第十单元:货币与银行;第十一单元:外汇与汇率;第十二单元:国际收支;第十三单元:财政政策与货币政策;第十四单元:政府在经济中的作用。

经济学专业英语教程(第三版·上)(教育部推荐教材;大学专业英语系列教材) 目录

unit one text: what is economics? additional text: the economic problem unit two text: demand and supply additional text: utility and coumer choice unit three text: price elasticities of demand and supply additional text: the facto influencing the price elasticities of demand and supply unit four text: cost of production additional text: economies and diseconomies of scale unit five text: monopoly additional text: perfect competition unit six text: oligopoly additional text: monopolistic competition unit seven text: gross domestic product additional text: two alternative approaches of measuring gdp unit eight text: economic growth additional text: sources of economic development unit nine text: inflation additional text: unemployment unit ten text: money and banking additional text: the u.s. central bank: the federal reserve system unit eleven text: foreign exchange and exchange rate additional text: the effects of exchange rates on the economy unit twelve text: the balance of payments additional text: international monetary systems unit thirteen text: fiscal and monetary policy additional text: lags in the economy's respoe to monetary and fiscal policy unit fourteen text: role of government in the economy additional text: government's policies toward externalities appendix ⅰ awe to exercises appendix ⅱ chinese tralation of the texts 经济学专业英语教程(第三版·上)(教育部推荐教材;大学专业英语系列教材)
