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新编英语词汇学教程(新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材) 内容简介


新编英语词汇学教程(新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材) 目录

chapter l introducing lexicology
 1.1 the scope of lexicology
 1.2 the significance of studying vocabulary
 1.3 lexicology and linguistic studies
 1.4  research methods in lexicology
 1.5  questions for further study
chapter 2 the sources and development of
 english vocabulary
 2.1 the origins of english words
 2.2 the influences of foreign languages
 2.3 the formation of english words
 2.4 the characteristics of modern english vocabular
 2.5  questions for further study
chapter 3 the forms and structures of
 english words
 3.1  morphological structures of english words
 3.2  morphemes
 3.3  roots
 3.4  questions for further study
chapter 4 word formation via affixation
 4.1 lexica i prefixes
 4.2  grammatical prefixes
 4.3 lexica l suffixes
 4.4  gjrammaticai suffixes
 4.5  questions for fu rther study
  chapter 5 word formation via
 5.1 three forms of compounds
 5.2  structures of compounds
 5.3  functions of compounds
 5.4  characteristics of compounds
 5.5  compound nouns
 5.6  compound adjectives
 5.7 phrasal compounds
 5-8 questions for further study
 chapter 6  word formation via other
 6.1  blending
 6.2  conversion
 6.3  borrowi ng
 6.4  clipping
 6.5  acronymy and initialism
 6.6 questions for further study
 chapter 7 sense relations
 7.1 types of meaning
 7.2  sense relations
 7.3 polysemy
 7.4 homonymy
 7.5  questions for further study
 chapter 8 figurative language
 8.1  simile
 8.2  metaphor
 8.3 pe-rsonification
 8.4 dehumanization
 8.5 hyperbole
 8.6  allusion
 8.7 paradox
 8.8  0nomatopoeia
 8.9  questions for further study
chapter 9 language variation and word
 9.1  speakers./writers.choice of words
 9.2  word choice for formal english
 9.3  words to avoid in formal english
 9.4  questions for further study
chapter l0  collocations
 10.1 noun coliocations
 1 0.2 verb collocations
 1 0.3 adjective collocations
 1 0.4 adverb collocations
 1 0.5 preposition collocations
 1 0.6 conjunction collocations
 1 0.7 questions for further study
 chapter ll  dictionaries and vocabulary
 11.l types of dictionaries
 11.2 information in dictionaries
 11.3 monolingual and bilingual dictionaries
 1 1.4 principles of selecting a dictionary
 1 1.5 questions for further study
 chapter l2  english vocabulary learning
 1 2.1 classifications of vocabulary learning strategies
 1 2.2 suggested methods in learning vocabulary
 1 2.3 questions for further study
appendix i  a selected list of english
appendix ii  a selected list of english
 su ffixes
appendix iii a selected list of english
 combining forms
appendix iv a selected list of english
 word roots
suggested answers

新编英语词汇学教程(新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材) 作者简介

  蔡增亮(Leon Cai),美籍华人。在美国多所大学教授英语写作、英语词汇学等课程多年。主要研究方向为英语语言学、词汇学、写作等。田贵森,北京大学外国语言学博士,现为北京师范大学外国语言文学学院教授,博士生导师。曾任河北师范大学外国语学院院长。长期从事高校英语教学工作,研究课题涉及社会语言学、语篇分析、英语语言教学、禁忌语研究等领域。讲授博士生课程:社会语言学、语言学研究方法,硕士生课程有:社会语言学、语言学研究方法、第二语言习得、应用语言学等。

