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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

大学职业英语综合教程:上 内容简介

本书分上、下两册, 每册分为8个单元, 每个单元围绕一个话题进行选材, 其中, 本册 (上册) 的话题包括Are You Ready for College Life, How to Make Friend等。

大学职业英语综合教程:上 目录

unit 1  are you ready for college life?     section i  experiencing english         part one: practice listening         part two: follow the movie         part three: role play    section ii  embracing english         text a  what can you expect from college life?         text b  how to adapt to college life?    section iii  grammar focus         parts of speech 词类)    section iv  applied writing         personal information form and business card (个人信息表与名片)unit 2  how to make friends?    section i   experiencing english         part one: practice listening         part two: follow the movie         part three: role play    section ii  embracing english         texta  friendship         text b  friends forever    section iii  grammar focus         sentence elements and basic sentence patterns (句子成分和基本名型)    section 1v  applied writing         note and notice (便条与通知)unit 3  what's your hobby?    section i  experiencing english         part one: practice listening         part two: follow the movie         part three: role play    section ii  embracing english         texta  types of hobbies         text b hip hop …… 大学职业英语综合教程:上
