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  2020-09-24 00:00:00  

国际商务函电 本书特色

     金泽虎、王桂平主编的《国际商务函电》系统地 介绍了国际商务函电常用的英文写作基本知识,其中 包括各类函电的基本格式、写作技巧、标准模板、具 体案例,并且利用案例导入和案例具体分析等形式引 导出丰富的国际商务专业词汇与习惯用语。在内容上 ,全书共分12章:各部分内容之间既相对独立又相互 依存、彼此融合,完整、系统地反映出该门课程的主 要内容。第1章是对国际商务函电的基本概况的介绍。     第2章到第11章是本书的主干部分,其内容编排基本 依据国际贸易实务流程的先后顺序展开,具体包括: 建立商务关系和资信调查、询盘和报盘、合同、订单 及其支付条件、信用证、包装、保险、装运、申诉与 理赔、代理。第12章是对与函电密切相关的外贸单证 进行具体的介绍。它们共同形成本书完整的体系结构 。      《国际商务函电》适用于国际经济贸易、商务英 语、国际市场营销、电子商务等应用性较强的经济贸 易类和其他外 向型应用性专业的学生,同时也适用于从事对外经济 贸易工作的专业人员。

国际商务函电 内容简介


国际商务函电 目录

chapter 1  the overview of business  letters  section one  the structure and the format ofbusiness letters  section two  principles of business letterwriting  section three  business fax and email writing  section four  cases in detail  section five  selected sentenceschapter2  establishing business  relations and status enquiries  section one  establishing business relations  section two  status enquiries  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 3 enquiry and offer  section one  enquiry  section two  offer and counteroffer  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 4 contract  section one  definition and functions ofcontract  section two  classification and contents ofcontract  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 5 orders and terms of payment  section one  orders and replies  section two  method of payment  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 6  letter of credit  section one  content and classification of letter ofcredit  section two  procedures of letter of creditoperations  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 7  packing  section one  forms of packing  section two  marking of goods  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 8  insurance  section one  ess.entials of business letters ofinsurance  section two  cases in detail  section three  selected sentenceschapter 9 shipment  section one  shipping instruction and shippingadvice  section two  terms of shipment  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 10  complaints and adjustments  section one  types of complaints  section two  adjustments  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 11  agency  section one  essentials of agency  section two  essentials of business correspondenceof agency  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentenceschapter 12  documentation in international trade  section one  types of international tradingdocuments  section two  requirements of documents making  section three  cases in detail  section four  selected sentencesreferences  国际商务函电
