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  2020-09-23 00:00:00  

艺术英语 内容简介


艺术英语 目录

Unit 1
TextA The Age of Show Business
TextB The Dangers of Reality TV:IdeologyCapitalism。Competition,Style and Education

Unit 2
TextA How Do You Know It's Good7
TextB 0n Art and Artists

Unit 3
TextA CulturaI Imperialism
TextB Necessary Fictions

Unit 4
TextA It's Time to Rethink “Temporary”
TextB Beauty

Unit 5
TextA What to Listen for in Music
TextB Isadora Duncan:A Pioneer in Modem Dance

Unit 6
TextA Van Gogh
TextB Michelangelo

Unit 7
TextA The Five Rules for a Thriving Museum
TextB European Museums Open Door to Corporate Donors

Unit 8
TextA On Photography
TextB The Impact of Photography on Painting

艺术英语 节选

  [1] A dedicated graduate student I know returned to hissmall apartment the night before a major examination only todiscover that his solitary lamp was broken beyond repair.Aftera whiff of panic,he was able to restore both his equanimityand his chances for a satisfactory grade by turning on thetelevision set,turning off the sound,and with his back to theset,using its light tO read important passages on which he was tO be tested.This is oneuse of television--as a source of illuminating the printed page.  [2] But the television screen is more than a light source.It is also a smooth,nearlyflat surface on which the printed word may be displayed.We have all stayed at hotelsin which the TV set has had a special channel for describing the day'S events in lettersrolled endlessly across the screen.This is another use of television--as an electronicbulletin board.  [3] Many television sets are also large and sturdy enough to bear the weight of asmall library.The top of an old.fashioned RCAt'1 console can handle as many as thirtybooks.andⅡknow one woman who has securely placed her entire collection of Dickens,Flaubert,and了urgenev on top of a 21nch WestinghouseI".Here is still another use oftelevision——as bookcase.  [4] Ibring forward these quixotic uses of television tO ridicule the hopeharbored by some that television can be used tO support the literate tradition.Sucha hope represents exactly what Marshall McLuhanf3]used tO call"rear-view mirror"thinking:the assumption that a new medium is merely an extension or amplificationof an older one;that an automobile,for example,is only a fast horse,or an electric lighta powerful candle.To make such a mistakc in the matter at hand is to misconstrueentirely how television redefines the meaning of public discourse.Television does notextend or amplify literate culture.It attacks it.If television is a continuation of anything,it is of a tradition begun by the telegraph and photograph in the mid.nineteenth century,not by the printing press in the fifteenth.  [5] What is television?We must understand as a first point that we are not talkingabout television as a technology but television as a medium.There are many placesin the world where television,though the same technology as it is in America,is anentirely different medium from that which we know.I refer tO places where the majorityof people do not have television sets,and those who do have only one;where onlyone station is available:where television does not operate around the clock;wheremost programs have as their purpose the direct furtherance of government ideologyand policy;where commercials are unknown.  ……

艺术英语 作者简介

李妍,对外经济贸易大学英语语言文学硕士,现为中国艺术研究院研究生院英语教师。2009年获得北京市青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖。出版物有《偷看大师的英文介词笔记》(著)、《你值得成为最优秀的》(译著)、《职业妈妈 从容自如》(译著)、《足迹--美国商业巨子讲述创业传奇》(译著),在《研究生英语教学与研究》上发表论文多篇。

