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  2020-09-07 00:00:00  

新闻周刊分册-考研英语阅读题源-第2版 本书特色

  双重词汇注释 国际音标,双重词义,文中释义,大纲全义;

新闻周刊分册-考研英语阅读题源-第2版 内容简介


新闻周刊分册-考研英语阅读题源-第2版 目录

 passage one deserving ofrespect
 passage two a post—car society
 passage three pooramong plenty
 passage four the insurance climate change
 passage five financial plannin9:wills and other ways
 passage six making your grass greener
 passage seven real food for thought
 passage eight smile!you’re an unwitting net s
 passage nine get ready to rumble
 passage ten as kids grow,so do risks
 passage one movies:who’s that guy with harry potter
 passage two an imperfect storm
 passage three the men of summer
 passage four fourth—grade slump
 passage five the low cost ofguitar heroism
 passage six the sound ofone hand clicking
 passage seven the revjohn foley
 passage eight common
 passage nine there’s something about mary
 passage ten extreme makeovers
 passage one the economic mega-worry
 passage two escape from the money pit
 passage three europe’s apple attack
 passage four easy money,a click away
 passage five putting detroit in the shop
 passage six stimulus overload
 passage seven the color ofmoney
 passage eight how to count eyeballs
 passage nine rogue offsprin9
 passage ten rebalancing the economy
 passage one perfecting pinot
 passage two honey,ibricked the new mobile phone!
 passage three wh0’the smart sibling?
 passage four know thyself-man,rat or bot?
 passage five prick up your rabbit ears
 passage six technology:valley ofthe gadgets
 passage seven making the skies green
 passage eight targeting needless breast biopsies
 passage nine new flights offancy
 passage ten plotting plut0’s comeback
 passage one a passionate advocate for addicts of all kinds,she’s determined to find a cure
 passage two the dieter’s dilemma
 passage three vitamin d in the spotlight
 passage four old bugs learn some new tricks
 passage five minds and magnets
 passage six health:i screen,you screen
 passage seven cancer and staying fit
 passage eight can we slow aging?
 passage nine a terrible mystery
 passage ten taking on ticks

新闻周刊分册-考研英语阅读题源-第2版 作者简介

江涛 原北京外国语大学青年教师。英国、挪威、荷兰等多国留学背景。从教多年,受中国各大省、市100多所知名高校之邀,演讲千余场,以其极具感染力的激情,一针见血的点评。坦诚务实的作风广受学员赞誉。主编《80天攻克雅思》、《70天攻考研英语》、《40天攻克四级710分新题型》等系列丛书,出版英语教学类书籍上千万字,畅销大陆。远销台湾及东南亚地区。2003年同语言学家、美籍华人彭铁城教授创办华盛顿国际英语学校;2005年创办卓成教育。首开中国民营教育机构多元化研究与大学师资培训之先河。同年,受国家领导人全国人大常委会副委员长成思危接见。

