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  2020-09-07 00:00:00  

2016考研英语时文阅读宝典120+60夜读-90天突破考研阅读瓶颈 本书特色

  本书从英文原版权威报纸杂志中选取了*接近考研真题命题特点的文章,所涉及的内容广泛而丰富。话题贴近生活、贴近现实;语言优美,文笔流畅,展现了原汁原味的英文风采。   本书可提供将要参加2015年硕士研究生入学考试的学生备考试用,也可供对英语感兴趣的其他读者阅读、参考。

2016考研英语时文阅读宝典120+60夜读-90天突破考研阅读瓶颈 目录

section one经典时文120篇
five secrets to revising that can boost your grades
how to find your funding?
dozens of new efforts to help needy students
get into college
most students are indifferent about student politics
is preschool access a national security issue?
thousands of parents attend d.c. schools festival
to shop for educational opportunities
md. county executives push for school construction funding
school achievement isn?t just in your genes
virtual role?playing teaches kids the harm of bullying
the foreign language copycat catcher
monterey county school district to ask voters
to ok technology bonds
grey wolves left out in the cold
italian scientists protest proposed animal law
researcher posts protected science curiosity papers on blog
remnants of oldest known cheese found in neolithic pottery
only a few countries are teaching children how to think
brazilian citation scheme outed
the cancer chronicles: today is publication day

2016考研英语时文阅读宝典120+60夜读-90天突破考研阅读瓶颈 作者简介

  徐绽  考研英语实力派青年教师,考研英语应试的“王牌专家”,十余年英语教学生涯,具有精深的英语语言文化理论和丰富的教学实践经验,桃李遍布大江南北。授课风格幽默、富有激情,大气磅礴,挥洒自如,课堂信息量大,有的放矢,直击要害,能让学员在开心、轻松的气氛中掌握知识,满载而归,满怀信心面对考试。

