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  2020-06-10 00:00:00  

市场营销原理(第12版)(英文版) 内容简介

简介   本书是世界著名市场营销权威菲利普·科特勒和加里·阿姆斯特朗的力著之一,自出版以来,一直被世界各国主要的工商管理学院作为市场营销学必修课的教材。    第12版着重从增加顾客价值的角度讲述市场营销的基本知识和实践。本书包括大量有趣的例子和真实的实例。各章后面都提供了练习题,它们将帮助读者更好地理解市场营销学的概念,更熟练地掌握市场营销的技术和方法。    本书既适合用作mba、市场营销及相关专业本科生或研究生教材,也可供市场营销实际工作者参考。

市场营销原理(第12版)(英文版) 目录

前言第1部分 定义市场营销和市场营销过程第1章 营销:营造有利的顾客关系第2章 公司与营销战略:结成伙伴式的顾客关系第2部分 理解市场和消费者第3章 营销环境第4章 营销信息系统第5章 消费者市场与消费者购买行为第6章 产业市场与产业购买行为第3部分 设计顾客导向的营销战略和整合营销组合第7章 顾客导向的营销战略:为目标顾客创造价值第8章 产品、服务和品牌战略第9章 新产品开发与产品生命周期战略第10章 产品定价:了解并捕捉顾客价值第11章 产品定价:定价策略第12章 分销渠道与供应链管理第13章 零售与批发第14章 沟通顾客价值:整合营销沟通战略第15章 广告与公共关系第16章 人员推销和销售推广第17章 直销与网络营销:营造直接顾客关系第4部分 扩展营销第18章 打造竞争优势第19章 全球市场第20章 营销道德与社会责任附录1营销计划附录2数字营销附录3营销领域的职业生涯参考资料术语表图片索引索引

市场营销原理(第12版)(英文版) 节选


市场营销原理(第12版)(英文版) 相关资料

插图:Many producers and wholesalers like to develop exclusive channels for their products. When the seller allows only certain outlets to carry its products, this strategy is called exclusive distribution. When the seller requires that these dealers not handle competitors' products, its strategy is called exclusive dealing. Both parties can benefit from exclusive arrangements: The seller obtains more loyal and dependable outlets, and the deajers obtain a steady source of supply and stronger seller support. But exclusive arrangements also exclude other producers from selling to these dealers. This situation brings exclusive dealing con- tracts under the scope of the Clayton Act of 1914. They are legal as long as they do not substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly and as long as both parties enter into the agreement voluntarily.Exclusive dealing often includes exclusive territorial agreements. The producer may agree not to sell to other dealers in a given area, or the buyer may agree to sell only in its own territory. The first practice is normal under franchise systems as a way to increase dealer enthusiasm and commitment. It is also perfectly legal——a seller has no legal obligation to sell through more outlets than it wishes. The second practice, whereby the producer trios to keep a dealer from selling outside its territory, has become a major legal issue.Producers of a strong brand sometimes sell it to dealers only if the dealers will take some or all of the rest of the line. This is called full-line forcing. Such tying agreements are not necessarily illegal, but they do violate the Clayton Act if they tend to lessen competition substantially. The practice may prevent consumers from freely choosing among competing suppliers of these other brands.Finally, producers are free to select their dealers, but their right to terminate dealers is somewhat restricted. In general, se

市场营销原理(第12版)(英文版) 作者简介

菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)
加里·阿姆斯特朗(Gary Arnlstrong)

