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Easy Spoken English-(图书+配套光盘)

  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

Easy Spoken English-(图书+配套光盘) 节选

nbsp;   言
    英语教改“听 ”“说”先行,多年来已经成为国内诸多资深英语教育专家的共
    本书经英籍教师Tori Waters-Wang认真审阅,由美藉教师John Gronseth和
Besty Gronseth完成了主要的录制工作,并提出了宝贵的修改意见。在此,对所
    编  者

What's the weather like in your hometown?
  Which season do you like best ? Why ?
  Do you always listen to the weather forecast? Why?
                    Talking about the Weather
Smith: What a scorcher! This's gotta be the hottest day we've had so far this
Brown: You can say that again! I've never suffered so much from the heat!
Smith: This is the kind of weather that makes me want to stay inside and do
Brown: I'm so glad we have air conditioning.
Smith: Me too. I don't know how they stood it in the
          old days with only fans and shady trees to keep
          them cool.
Brown: I guess it took a strong, pioneer spirit.
Smith  Well, ! certainly don't seem to have it!
Useful Expressions
     Complete the expressions for talking about weather:
        What' s the weather            today?
 It           fine / nice / wonderful/perfect today.
What            the weather forecast say ?
I heard it ' s going            rain.
Do you think it            be foggy the day after tomorrow?
No, I don' t think so. I hope it            keep fine.
 What ' s            temperature outside / inside ?
It has climbed            36 degrees centigrade.
It has dropped            minus 10 degrees centigrade.
               a day, sand storm again !
It ' s            fine day.
It            probably clear up tomorrow morning.
It            humid / muggy / cool/foggy / cloudy / windy / extremely hot /
a scorcher/cold and damp.
It            rain/freeze / drizzle / snow/hail tomorrow.
It            become much cooler.
The weather            usually changeable, sometimes beyond one ' s ex-
There            going to be a shower / tornado / storm / thunder and
lightening / hurricane /typhoon tonight.
The wind cuts like            knife.
Spring           a pretty season.
I have grown accustomed            the climate in Beijing.
 Short Passage
                          You are Wanted
     A Chinese student went to study in England. His surname was Sun. It is
spelled S- U- N, just like the sun in the sky.
     The weather in England is often cloudy and misty, and it rains now and
then, so the people don’t get much sunshine in the year.
     When the student arrived at the London Airport, a tall English policeman
with a long face opened his passport to check the visa. The policeman was in-
terested to find the Chinese name "Sun" in the passport. He thought it was pro-
nounced just like the English word "sun". So he said to the student..
     "I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here."
     The Chinese student was greatly surprised, because if you are wanted by
the police, you must have broken the law. So he asked the policeman:
     "Is there anything wrong with my passport or the visa? Do I have to go back?"
     "Go back?" shouted the policeman. "Now that you are here, we’ll never
let you go away."
     The young man was even more surprised. He thought he was going to be arres-
ted. But he didn't know what crime he had committed. He asked again:
     "What's happened? What have I done?"
     It was only then that the policeman began to smile. He said:
     "You don’t know what you've done, Mr. Sun? You've brought sunshine
to England. So we don't want you to go away."

Easy Spoken English-(图书+配套光盘)
