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于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart

  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart 本书特色


于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart 目录

Foreword Why Confucius Part One The Way of Heaven and Earth Part Two The Way of the Heart and Soul Part Three The Way of the World Part Four The Way of Friendship Part Five The Way of Ambition Part Six The Way of Being

于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart 节选

《于丹(论语)心得》为《于丹(论语)心得》的英文版。译者Esther Tyldesley以意译的方式、流畅生动的表达,将这本广受好评的图书介绍给西方世界,是一本极好的介绍中国文化的英文普及读物。

于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart 相关资料

they use in their dealings with others, so they havemany friends who cherish the same ideas and follow thesame path. No matter how many friends a true junzihas, they will always be like oxygen in the air we breathe,making their friends feel happy and cared for. TheChinese character, for 'enter into cliques' looks liketwo people standing close together. This means that pettypeople prefer to get together in their own little cliques,they don't like to be absorbed into the big collective.For example, at a party a junzi will feel completelyat ease with everyone there, whether old friends orstrangers; but a petty person will skulk in a corner withtheir best friend, the two of them muttering away to eachother, as thick as thieves.Why are there such differences between people?Again, it is because the junzi and the petty do not existin the same moral state. Confucius said: 'Thejunzi is easyof mind, while the small man is always flail of anxiety.'(Analects vii) The reason why the petty are often foundconspiring with others is that they have an uneasy con-science, and want to plot for their own advantage andprotect what they already have. When we talk aboutcronyism or forming cliques this is exactly what we mean.The mind of the junzi, on the other hand, is contentedand composed; because he or she is in a state of peacefulIn China, we have always regarded harmony as a thingof beauty, but what is true harmony? Confucius repeat-edly shows us it is a tolerance towards others, a kind ofmelding and mingling, all the while maintaining differentvoices and different viewpoints. This is the way of thejunzi in society.Because there are so many differences between ajunziand a petty individual, you will find your dealings withthem will be very different.Confucius said: 'Thejunzi is easy to serve but difficultto please. He will not be pleased unless you try to pleasehim by following the Way, but when it comes to employ- ing the services of others, he does so within the limits of

于丹论语心得(英文版)Confucius from the Heart
