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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

通达英汉互译 目录

英汉语言差异语言文化翻译/1英汉语言差异/7汉译英词汇/21句子/31语篇/43汉语习语与谚语英译/81敬辞与谦辞/91英译汉名词化/101非谓语动词/109被动语态/119名词从句/131定语从句/143状语从句/155长句/167特殊句/179否定/187Keys to exercises

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通达英汉互译 相关资料

插图:Culture has always been a fascinating field of study for many scholars. So far no agreement has been reached on the definition of culture,although people talk about it all the time.Defining culture is important,for without a definition people can never perceive,teach and learn culture thoroughly.There are many ways to define culture.The definition given by an English anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor in 1 87 1 is the oldest and most quoted one:“Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,bellef, art,morals,lawcustoms and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”Another key researcher Edward T.Hall defined culture as“those deep.common.unstated experiences which members of a given culture share,which they communicate without knowing,and which form the backdrop against which all other events arejudged.”

