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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

王子与贫儿(插图本):外国文学经典 内容简介


王子与贫儿(插图本):外国文学经典 目录

chapter 1 the blrth of the prince and the pauper
chapter 2 t0m’s early life
chapter 3 tom's meetlng,with the prince

chapter 4 the prince's troubles beoin
chapter 5 tom as a pa trician
chspter 6 t0m rece|ves instructions
chapter 7 tom's first royal dinner
chapter 8 the question of the seal
chapter 9 the r|ver pa8eant
chapter 10 the prince in the tolls
chapter 11 a t gulldhau
chapter 12 the prince and h|s dellverer
chapter 13 the disappearance of the princi
chapter 14 "le roi est mort——vive le r0|h

王子与贫儿(插图本):外国文学经典 节选


王子与贫儿(插图本):外国文学经典 相关资料

插图:By and by Tom's reading and dreaming about princely life wroughtsuch a strong effect upon him that he began to act the prince, unconsciously.His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, tothe vast admiration and amusement of his intimates. But Tom's influenceamong these young people began to grow, now, day by day; and in time hecame to be looked up to, by them, with a sort of wondering awe, as a superiorbeing. He seemed to know so much! and he could do and say such marvelousthings! and withal, he was so deep and wise! Tom's remarks, and Tom'sperformances, Were reported by the boys to their elders; and these, also,presently began to discuss Tom Canty, and to regard him as a most giftedand extraordinary creature. Full-grown people brought their perplexities toTom for solution, and were often astonished at the wit and wisdom of hisdecisions. In fact he was become a hero to all who knew him except hisown family——these, only, saw nothing in him.Privately, after a while, Tom organized a royal court! He was theprince; his special comrades were guards, chamberlains, equerries, lordsand ladies in waiting, and the royal family. Daily the mock prince wasreceived with elaborate ceremonials borrowed by Tom from his romanticreadings; daily the great affairs of the mimic kingdom were discussed inthe royal council, and daily his mimic highness issued decrees to his imagi-nary armies, navies, and vice-royalties.After which, he would go form in his rags and beg a few farthings, eat hispoor crust, take his customary cuffs and abuse, and then stretch himself uponhis handful of foul straw, and resume his empty grandeurs in his dreams.And still his desire to look just once upon a real prince, in the flesh,grew upon him, day by day, and week by week, until at last it absorbed allother desires, and became the one passion of his life.

王子与贫儿(插图本):外国文学经典 作者简介

马克.吐温Mark Twain(1835-1910)马克.吐温出生在美国密西西比河畔的一个贫穷的乡村律师家庭。他参过军,做过排字工人,当过水手,还做过记者。他的代表作有《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sauyer)、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)、《王子与贫儿》(The Prince and the Pauper)等。马克·吐温的文笔犀利幽默,文字清新有力,角度自然独特,被誉为“美国文学领域的林肯”。

