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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 本书特色


IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 内容简介

简介   《雅思考前15天》是为参加雅思考试的考生在考前冲刺阶段使用的一套备考辅导书,它为考生提供了一个15天的考前冲刺备考框架,通过独到的辅导和精选的练习,强化考生的交际技能,帮助考生建立起一套符合自己特点的应试方略,以取得理想的成绩。这套书有口语、听力、阅读、写作4册。   《雅思考前15天·听力》主要内容包括:雅思听力考试的出题思路和框架;听力各种题型详解、解题思路及答题技巧;听力场景词汇;听力分类题型训练;模拟试题。 《雅思考前15天·听力》配mp3光盘1张。

IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 目录

第1天 雅思听力考试概述第2天 听力考试题型详解第3天 听力场景词汇(1)第4天 听力场景词汇(2)第5天 选择题第6天 填空题之一:总结题第7天 填空题之二:表格题第8天 填空题之三:完成句子题第9天 配对题之一:文字配对题第10天 配对题之二:图片配对题第11天 简答题第12天 正误判断题第13天 综合练习第14天 模拟试题(1)第15天 模拟试题(2)录音文本答案附录:雅思听力考试答题卡

IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 节选

《雅思考前15天》是为参加雅思考试的考生在考前冲刺阶段使用的一套备考辅导书,它为考生提供了一个15天的考前冲刺备考框架,通过独到的辅导和精选的练习,强化考生的交际技能,帮助考生建立起一套符合自己特点的应试方略,以取得理想的成绩。这套书有口语、听力、阅读、写作4册。《雅思考前15天·听力》主要内容包括:雅思听力考试的出题思路和框架;听力各种题型详解、解题思路及答题技巧;听力场景词汇;听力分类题型训练;模拟试题。 《雅思考前15天·听力》配MP3光盘1张。

IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 相关资料

Test yourselfYou are going to hear some facts and figures about Australia. First you have some time to readquestions 1-10. (pause) Now listen carefully and answer questions 1-10.Welcome to this talk about Australia. I'm going to give you some key facts and figures about the country, which I hope you'll find of interest. First, let's start with geography. Where is Australia?Australia is in Oceania, between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Australia is ranked as a continent. It's the smallest continent, having an area of 7.6 million sq. km. Of that, 68,920 sq. km. is water, so in land area, Australia is slightly smaller than the US. In fact, Australia is the world's sixth largest country. As a very large island, Australia's climate is generally dry, that is, arid to semiarid; temperate in the south and east; tropical in the north. The terrain, that's the type of land surface, is mostly low plateau with deserts, and fertile plain in the southeast. The lowest point in Australia is Lake Eyre at -15m. The highest point is Mount Kosciusko, that's spelt K-O-S-C-I-U-S-K-O at 2,229m. Australia is rich in natural resources. Among the chief are bauxite, coal, iron ore, copper, tin, silver and nickel. You may have heard of the Australian gold rush, and some gold is still exported. We have several environmental issues here in Australia. The top one is soil erosion. The main reasons for soil erosion are firstly, overgrazing, secondly, industrial development, and thirdly, urbanization, the growth of cities. Another issue is the rising amount of salt in our soils. This comes from using poor quality water. Desertification, the growth of the desert, is another problem. In addition, clearing land for agricultural purposes threatens the natural habitat of many unique animal and plant species. Then also the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast, which is the largest coral reef in the world, is threatened by increased shipping and by its popularity as a to

IELTS雅思考前15天听力(修订版)附光盘 作者简介


