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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

剑桥市场营销英语 本书特色

《剑桥市场营销英语》:Professiona/Enghsh in Use Marketing contains 50 units covering a wide variety of marketing vocabulary. Topics include marketing basics, the full 'marketing mix', research, PR, and marketing communications. Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons, and is suitable for intermediate and upper intermediate students. Professional English in Use Marketing draws on authentic texts and real companies to present tile most up-to-date and comprehensive language and terminology. It is a must for students of marketing or business, and for marketing professionals who need to use Enqlish at work.Presents and explains vocabulary items in context on the left-hand pages with a range of practice activities on the right-hand pages.Features 'Over to you' activities which enable learners to apply the language they have learnt to their own studies and working lives.Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key and index.

剑桥市场营销英语 内容简介


剑桥市场营销英语 目录

marketing basics
 1 the marketing mix 1
a the ps
b marketing a new product
 2 the marketing mix 2
a the four cs, as and os
b aida
 3 swot analysis
a swot analysis
b swot and marketing strategy
 4 marketing strategy and the marketing plan
a marketing strategy vs. marketing plan
b developing the marketing plan
 5 marketing ethics
a social marketing
b corporate social responsibility (csr)
 6  the market environment
a the micro environment
b the macro environment: step analysis
 7 legal aspects of marketing
a legal definitions
b legal problems
c the consumer protection act
 8 research 1
a types of research
b research methodology
 9 research 2
a describing survey results
b understanding trends and changes
 10 new product development 1
a idea generation
b idea screening
c concept development and testing
d marketing strategy and business analysis
 11  new product development 2
a workflow
b product development and optimization
c test marketing
d commercialization
 12  brainstorming
a the brainstorming session
b brainstorming techniques
c suggesting and building on ideas
 13 product and service types
a product types
b word combinations with 'goods' and'products'
c types of service
 14 product life cycles
a the boston consulting group matrix
b inside the boston box
 15 selling products and services
a the seller
b the purchaser
c selling a service
positioning and branding
 16 branding 1
a what is a brand?
b branding
c word combinations with 'brand'

剑桥市场营销英语 节选


剑桥市场营销英语 相关资料

插图:Legal definitionsThe World Intellectual Property Organization gives the following definitions:Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories:1 Industrial property includes patents, which give the exclusive right to make, use and sell an invention in a given geographical area; trademarks (words or symbols that differentiate a company); and industrial designs. A granted patent gives patent protection for 20 years in the UK. After that time you must renew the patent. In order to trademark, or register your trademark, you will need to complete a registration process.2 Copyright protects literary and artistic works. Copyright protected work includes novels, plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, photographs, and architectural designs. Copyright protected work is said to be subject to copyright.Note: The copyright symbol:The trademark symbol: TMThe registered trademark symbol:Legal problemsLegal problems may arise if another person has used copyright protected work without the copyright owner's (or holder's) permission. The UK Patent Office says: 'Intellectual property (IP) crimes include counterfeiting and piracy. Counterfeiting is deliberate or wilful trademark infringement and piracy is wilful copyright infringement. Infringement means reproducing copyrighted work without permission from the IP owner.'If a trademark or copyright holder believes that another person has made unauthorized use of a trademark or copyright, then this may lead to a lawsuit, where one company takes another to court to enforce the trademark or copyright. The infringer, the person who has broken the copyright, may have to pay damages

