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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

英语基础写作教程 内容简介


英语基础写作教程 目录

part one english sentence writing(英语句子写作)
 unit 1 the making of sentences(造句)
  1. basic elements of a sentences(句子的基本要素)
  2. five basic sentence patterns( 5种基本句型)
   2.1 sv(subject+veb)(主语+谓语)
   2.2 svcs(subject+verb+subject complement)(主语+谓语+主补)
 2.3 svo(subject+verb+direct object)(主语+谓语+宾语)
   2.4 svoco(subject+verb+object+object complement)(主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)
   2.5 svoiod(subject+verb+indirect object+direct object )(主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语)
  3. types of sentences(句子的分类)
   3.1 simple,compound,complex sentences and compound-complex sentence(简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句)
   3.2 periodic sentences and loose sentences(圆周句和松散句)
   3.3 short and long sentences(短句和长句)
  4. variety of sentence patterns(句型的多样化)
   4.1 beginning of a sentence(句首部分)
   4.2 structures and lengths of sentences(句子的结构和长度)
  review exercises(复习与练习)
 unit 2 sentence structure problems(句子结构错误)
  1. faulty parallelism(平行结构错误)
  2. fragmentary sentences(破句)
   2.1 dependent-word fragments(从属连词引起的破句)
   2.2 -ing and to fragments(-ing分词和to动词不定式引起的破句)
   2.3 added-detail fragments(增加细节引起的破句)
   2.4 missing-subject fragments(缺少主语的破句)
  3. dangling modifiers(垂悬修饰)
  4. confusing reference(指代混乱)
  5. run-on sentences(串句)
  6. misplaced modifier(错位修饰)
  7. subject-verb agreement(主谓一致)
  review exercises(复习与练习)
park two paragraph writing(段落写作)
 unit3 the structure of a paragraph(段落的构成)
  1. the topic sentence(主题句)
   1.1 how to write a good topic sentence(如何写好主题句)
   1.2 positions of the topic sentence(主题句的位置)
  2. the supporting sentences (支持句)
  3. the concluding sentence(结尾句)
  review exercises(复习与练习)
 uint 4 quslities of effective paragraphs(段落要素)
  1. paragraph unity(段落的统一性)
  2. paragraph completeness(段落的完整性)
  3. paragraph coherence(段落的连贯性)
  review exercises(复习与练习)
part three english essay writing (完整作文写作)
 unit 5 writing process(完整作文写作过程)
  1. writing steps (写作步骤)
   1.1 planning and organizing ideas(计划准备阶段)
   1.2 outlining(列提纲)
   1.3 drafting(打草稿)
   1.4 revising(修改)
   1.5 editing and making the final copy(编辑定稿)
part four english practical writing (英语应用文写作)
 appendix1 punctuation marks(标点符号)
 appendix2 funny reading(趣味阅读)

英语基础写作教程 节选


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As, indeed, there are two sides to this complex subject. Maybe they should havethis right when they want to clone a child, either to provide transplant for a dyingchild or to replace that of a lost one. But we should take into serious consideration ifhuman cloning will be allowed to continue.This is a persuasive essay The first paragraph introduces thewriter' s viewpoint : cloning will bring the demise of family values ( the thesis of theessay). In the sake of persuading readers to agree with the point of view, in the sec-ond paragraph the writer presents the disadvantage of cloning from different angles:lose the family value, cause many social problems, inbreed. To make readers followthe cue of the evidence or facts, the writer provides transitions to move from one proofto another, for example, "Just imagine if... ; And when... ; As a human be-ing... ; Another negative effect... ". In the last paragraph, the writer evaluates whathas been stated and calls the social to take a consideration for cloning.Another Example :The mass media is now a global phenomenon and has revolutionized the way ofindividuals communicating with each other and receiving information. There are threeforms of mass media--newspaper, radio and television. Mass media influences social-ization in different ways.The influence of the media has evolved along with technology, from early news-papers to modern cable television and the Internet. By the early 1920s radio soon hadreplaced newspapers as the primary source for news and political information. Oncepoliticians could directly speak to large numbers of people, their influence over pub-lic opinion could be immediate as well as dramatic. Additionally, radio shifted the fo-cus of news coverage to national and international issues. Television combined soundwith pictures making the news appealing and quickly replacing radio as the dominantsource for political information.The media reports on the activities of government, tells the

