自然景观-每天读点中国文化 |
2020-06-16 00:00:00 |
自然景观-每天读点中国文化 本书特色
中华文化浩如烟海,任取一端,即便是穷尽毕生精力,也不过是略窥其梗概而已。要将这么悠久而繁复的文化内容,提纲挈领地做一个简明的介绍,真是谈何容易!我们深知要编好这样一套丛书的种种艰辛。但我们依然不揣浅陋,知难而上。一方面是因为多年的英语教学使那些一线的英语教师切实感到介绍学生阅读一套全面介绍中国文化的双语读物的必要性。无论是口语课还是翻译课上,每每当我们谈及中华文化的点点滴滴,青年学子们常常报之以羞赧一笑,平日只忙于学习英、美文化,而自己民族的特色呢?看看我们身上的服饰,口中的美食,欣赏的音乐,阅读的书籍,还有我们居住的城市建筑,庆祝的各种节日,哪一样不是深受西方影响?尤其是当需要用英文介绍民族文化特点时,大家更是因了解不多或语言不精而难以开口。为此,我们希望这套丛书能帮助青年学子、文化导游以及翻译工作者等通过双语阅读,拓宽视野,掌握一套地道的文化词汇,用恰当得体的英语介绍中国的悠久文化。 另一方面,在与世界性文化的交流中,中国文化不断向世界提供着自己的精华,从而越来越受到全世界的瞩目和推崇。若失去了中国文化的诸多元素,世界文化将无法完美。因此,我们希望这套丛书能帮助越来越多的外国友人走近中国,加深对中国文化的全面了解,从而越来越欣赏和热爱这古老的文明。 无论您是对中国文化颇感兴趣的外国友人,还是有志于了解并推介中国民族文化的国内朋友,也无论您年龄的长幼,职业的分别,每天抽出一些闲暇时间,请随我们一起阅读这套以双语对照为特色的《每天读点中国文化》丛书。
自然景观-每天读点中国文化 内容简介
自然景观-每天读点中国文化 目录
**部分 东部纵览 五岳之首——泰山 mount tai, next to none among five famous mountains in china / 2 人间仙境——蓬莱 penglai, a fairyland on earth / 7 世外桃源——刘公岛 liugong island, a paradise island / 12 鱼米之乡——太湖 lake tai, a land of fish and rice / 17 水墨天成——西湖 the west lake, a picturesque landscape created by god / 22 东海旖旎——雁荡山 mount yandang,charmingly overlooking the east sea / 27 世界遗产——武夷山 mount wuyi, in he list of world heritage / 32 海上花园——鼓浪屿gulangyu island,a fragrant garden on the sea / 37 第二部分 南方览胜 秀出东南——庐山mount lu, standing out in southeast china / 44 热带天堂——西双版纳 xishuangbanna, a tropical paradise / 49 熊猫故乡——卧龙wolong, home to giant pandas / 54 神秘圣洁——香格里拉 shangri-la,mysterious and holy / 59 人间瑶池——九寨沟jiuzhaigou valley, goddess’ jasper lake on earth / 64 美冠中华——桂林山水east or west,guilin landscape is best / 69 翡翠山城——五指山wuzhi mountain,erecting in a jade mountain city / 74 阳光沙滩——三亚 sun, sea, sand, and sanya / 79 第三部分 中原鸟瞰 皇家花园——承德chengde, the royal backyard / 86 榆树之城——大理dali, a city of elm / 91 奇险天下——华山mount hua, the most precipitous spectacle / 96 千峰竞秀——黄山yellow mountain,where thousands of peaks vying for the splendor / 101 武林胜地——武当山mount wudang, a resort for chinese martial arts / 106 绿色珍珠——神农架shennongjia, a green pearl / 111 山水画廊——三峡the three gorges, a corridor of mountains-and- waters paintings / 116 华夏动脉——黄河the yellow river, an artery of chinese civilization / 121 佛教圣地——峨眉山 mount emei, a sacred mountain for buddhism / 126 第四部分 西部寻踪 艺术宝库——敦煌 dunhuang, a goldmine of arts / 132 高原明珠——青海湖qinghai lake, a pearl on the tibetan plateau / 137 沙漠绿洲——吐鲁番turpan, the oasis / 142 西游传奇——火焰山flaming mountain,a legendary mountain in chinese literature / 147 亦真亦幻——喀纳斯湖kanas lake, real or fantasy? / 152 圣洁脱俗——天山the tianshan mountains , holy and immortal / 157 生命之河—— 塔里木河 the tarim river, a river of life in dessert / 162 死亡之海——塔克拉玛干沙漠 the taklamakan desert, the sea of death / 167 峡谷之*——雅鲁藏布大峡谷the yarlung zangbo canyon, the world’s deepest canyon / 172 第五部分 北方探奇 冬夏相宜——太阳岛the sun island, a paradise resort in winters and summers / 178 仙鹤故乡——扎龙 zhalong, home to cranes / 183 东北宝库——长白山mount changbai,a treasure house in northeastern china / 188 流贯古今——松花江songhua river, a river that never stops / 193 心灵驰骋——草原free your heart, on the grassland / 198 浪漫迤逦——金石滩the romantic golden pebble beach / 203 第六部分 宝岛台湾 台湾“天池”——日月潭sun moon lake, like the tianchi lake in taiwan / 210 山清水碧——阿里山alishan, feasting your eyes with clear water and mountain / 215 宝岛三峡——太鲁阁大峡谷taroko gorge, like the three gorges on the taiwan island / 220 山海之旅——垦丁a kenting trip between mountain and sea / 225 珍珠散落——澎湖列岛 the penghu island, pearls scattered / 230
自然景观-每天读点中国文化 节选
自然景观-每天读点中国文化 相关资料
插图:Lake Tai is just like a bright pearl set in the Yangtze River delta. Lake Tai is linked to the renowned Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The lake is also the origin for a number of rivers, including Suzhou Creek. The charm of Lake Tai is highlighted by the famous 72 peaks. On the endless expanse of blue water, sometimes, waves roll upon waves, sometimes it becomes quietlike a mirror glittering on the lake with the 72 peaks dimly visible afar riding waves ups and downs. They make green hills and clear waters of Lake Tai look as attractive and beautiful as a piece of picturesque scenery. It is indeed a scene majestic in all its variety. And the Lake Tai Plain has a mild and moist climate, fertile soil and a network of waterways that nurture "a land of fish and rice".It is fantastic to overlook Lake Tai from the scenic viewpoint in Xihui Park in the west of Wuxi. By climbing the summit of Dragon Light Pagoda inside the park, you will get a bird view of the harmonious combination between the city and the lake. The best place to view the beautiful Lake Tai is on the Turtle Head Islet. It is an islet stretching into the lake, whose shape is really like the head of a turtle protruding from the water. Lake Tai and the surrounding magnificence will bewitch your eyes when you climb on- to the Turtle Head Islet. When the soft breezes blow, waves roll, hills in the distance look like an overlapping landscape painting.
http://book.00-edu.com/tushu/1/2020-06-17/2550327.html |