玩转生活英语-(含光盘) |
2020-06-16 00:00:00 |
玩转生活英语-(含光盘) 本书特色
口语学习涵盖了生活的方方面面。但大多数英语学习者往往在交谈时,想好句子却无法流畅脱口而出。为了帮助读者朋友打造出口若悬河的效果,编者们汇集了丰富的场景凝结成此书。全书主要分为5个部分:衣食住行、人生、娱乐、社交、自然与生活。 本书是读者朋友日常生活的口语速成材料,是促使您在生活中与其他人进行沟通的一种良好方式。愿此书能成为您*好的朋友。
玩转生活英语-(含光盘) 内容简介
玩转生活英语-(含光盘) 目录
part one food, clothing, lodging and transportation unit one daily necessities unit two catering unit three hotel unit four traffic unit five shopping unit six housing part two life unit one love and marriage unit two family unit three stages of life unit four character and moral education unit five financial management part three entertainment unit one travel unit two internet unit three sports unit four movie and music part four social intercourse unit one manners, behaviours and attitudes unit two social life unit three apply for a job unit four work part five nature and life unit one seasons and days unit two plants unit three animals unit four water 参考答案
http://book.00-edu.com/tushu/1/2020-06-17/2550287.html |