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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 本书特色


新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 内容简介


新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 目录

unit 1 逸闻趣事
unit 2 杰出人物
unit 3 时政财经
unit 4 自然百科
unit 5 体育娱乐
unit 6 科技前沿
unit 7 文化教育

新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 节选


新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 相关资料

插图:A bunch of meadowsweet blossoms were discovered in a Bronze Age grave at Forteviot, south of Perth.The find is reported in the journal British Archaeology, out this week.Pollen found in eadier digs had been thought to have come from honey, or the alcoholic drink mead but the latest find may rule that theory out.Dr. Kenneth Brophy, from the University of Glasgow, said "the flowers don't look very much, just about three or four millimetresacross. But these are the first proof that people in the Bronze Age were actually placing flowers in with burials."The dark brown heads were found, along with a clump of organicmaterial which archaeologists now say is the stems of the flowers.The bunch had been placed by the head of the high-statusindividual known to have been buried in the grave.Diggers also found pieces from a birch bark coffin in the grave, and a bronze dagger with a gold hilt band."In burials we're used to finding metalwork," said Dr. Brophy. "Butto find these very human touches is something very rare, if not unique."The finds all come from a bronze age grave-or cist——excavatedby the Universities of Aberdeen and Glasgow.

新闻英语篇-听懂英语才会说-MP3光盘一张 作者简介

江涛,原北京外国语大学青年教师,英国、挪威、荷兰等多国留学背景。从教多年,受中国各大省、市l00多所知名高校之邀,演讲千余场,以其极具感染力的激情,一针见血的点评,坦诚务实的作风广受学员赞誉。主编《80天攻克雅思》、《英语大赢家》、《影响你一生的名校演讲》、《英语晨读经典》等系列丛书,出版英语教学类书籍上千万字,畅销大陆,远销台湾及东南亚地区。2003年同语言学家、美籍华人彭铁城教授创办华盛顿国际英语学校;2005年创办卓成教育,首开中国民营教育机构多元化研究与大学师资培训之先河。同年,受国家领导人全国人大常委会副委员长成思危接见。 至今出版各类英语畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为当当网、亚马逊卓越网畅销作者。

